Chapter 59

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(__) POV

Hatchan, Kami, Pappagu, Nami, Robin, Luffy, Brook, Chopper, and I were all waking to the city. The rest of the crew left on the ship. Hatchan was explaining more things about Sabaody. We bought bubble bikes to make traveling along the city a lot easier.
"Hey, guys I'm leaving I got something to do," I said hoping off the bubble bike.
"What where you going?" Luffy complained. "I'll go with you."
"No, you should go see more of Sabaody. I'm only going to see a friend that lives here."
"Wait! A pretty girl like you shouldn't be walking around on your own it's dangerous." Hatchan said.
"Don't worry I'll be fine."
"I know Hatchan. I've been here before. I can handle myself."
"Okay if you say so but be careful," I said goodbye again and left the group. While on my walk I just so happened to run into some slave traders. Lucky me.
"Damn look at her."
"I know right she'll sell for a lot."
"You think you can capture me," I said laughing. They all came at me with their weapons. In a matter of seconds, they were all beat and I didn't even have to use my swords. Eventually, I got tired of walking and rented a bike of my own. I wonder if he's even here. He spends a lot of time off the island so who knows if he's even here.
I sped through the groves in a rush because Grove 13 was so far away. Eventually, I reached the place I was looking for. I got off the bike and stared at the sign with a smile remembering the first time I came here. I opened the doors to the bar to find it relatively empty except for someone begging for money from the bar owner. When the bells on the door ringed the two looked at me with surprise.
"(__)!" The old man went up to me pulling me into an embrace.
"Hey Rayleigh."
"When did you get here?" Shakky asked with a smile.
"Hey Shakky and I got here not too long ago."
"Oh so is Shanks with you?" Rayleigh asked.
"No, I'm with another pirate group this time."
"Oh, I see, well anyway you wouldn't happen to want to let an old man borrow some money would ya?"
"I'm dirt broke," I said heading over to one of the stools. Shakky walked into the kitchen and soon brought back a plate of fried rice.
"Are you going to charge me?"
"When have I ever." She said with a smile. I went to eat the delicious food Shakky made me.
"Since we are both flat broke I have a great idea that will get us both a ton of beli fast," Rayleigh said with a smirk.
"Oh yeah, what is it?"

*time skip*

"Why did I listen to you," I said sighing. Rayleigh's brilliant idea was for us to get kidnapped so that we could steal the money away from whoever bought us.
"So we can get money remember."
"I know that but still, are you really that desperate."
"Yes, I am. I haven't gambled in over 24 hours I need some money. Well let's not think about this how have you been?" I went on explaining to him about everything that happened since the last time I saw him. That's when a strange man in star-shaped glasses and purple hair appeared.
"Is that the one?" He asked one of the men next to him.
"Yes, sir I wouldn't forget her face anywhere."
"Hey, you come over here?" I walked closer to him allowing the light to hit me.
"It is you. The Enchanting Goddess (__). You're even more beautiful than the newspaper said." He said with a smirk. "You'll sell for a lot." He then opened my cage letting me go step out. "I want her bathed and changed out of these filthy clothes!" Did he just call my clothes filthy? Who does he think he is? Okay, calm down (__) just calm down. If I kill this guy the whole plan gets ruined.
I was taken to a fairly large bath with a slave girl in it. She helped me change out of my clothes and washed my back for me.
"Thank you for helping me. What's your name? I'm (__)."
"My name's Mio." She said quietly. Poor girl. She looks so sad although I can't blame her. It must be tough being a slave. Okay, note to self save Mio later.
"Why are you so happy?" Mio asked. "I don't understand how you can be smiling when you're about to be sold off into slavery."
"I'm not really worried about that. Everything will be fine."
"But how can you know that?"
"It's can't really explain. Anyways enough washing my back it's your turn now."
"No, you shouldn't do that. Master Disco said that I was supposed to help you."
"He's not here don't worry about it." She reluctantly listened to me allowing me to wash her back for her. After we were done she dressed me in the clothes that jerk Disco left for me. It was a simple short white dress and yet it made me look like some type of angel or a goddess. The straps were thin and part of my breasts were exposed. In the middle of my chest was a blue gem with golden beads attached to it, wrapping around my body. In the middle of my stomach was a long diamond-shaped whole exposing myself belly button. The sides of my torso and most of my back was exposed as well. My (h/l), (h/c) was left down and my feet lacked any shoes, allowing me to feel the cold hard floor.
"I'm going to need that necklace too," Mio said.
"No. I can't take this off. I made a promise I wouldn't." I said while holding the cross protectively.
"So you're fina-." Disco stopped mid-sentence when I turned around to face him. "I didn't think it was possible for you to get any more beautiful. You truly look like a goddess just like your epithet says."
"Doesn't really means much coming from you," I said coldly. He got mad and looked like he was restricting himself from doing something.
"You're lucky you're worth so much. I can't go hurting the merchandise now can I. Especially since you will be our main attraction."
"Yeah lucky me," I said sarcastically. After that, he took me back to my cell where a ton of people stared at me as I walked by.
"You're turn is coming soon enough." He said before disappearing.
"You look nice (__)," Rayleigh commented it.
"Oh yeah, you think. Now I'm perfect to be sold." I said laughing.
"I don't understand why are you laughing. You guys are about to be sold." The giant next to us.
"That's the best part about this."

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