Chapter 28

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(__) POV

It was the morning right now maybe like 9 so I decided to take a nice hot bath. After eating breakfast with everyone I quickly left to grab my clothes. After I was completely undressed I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I place my clothes in a circular wooden thing(whatever that's called) and was about to leave until...
"Man I need a nice bath......"
"A-A-A-Ace!!!!" There Ace was standing in front of the door and me only in my towel.
"(__)!!" He stuttered. "I didn't know you were in here." His face was bright red and so was mine.
"GET OUT!!!!!!" I shouted and threw at him everything I could get my hands on.
"Hey Wait a minute!"
"Why are you still looking at me!!!! LOOK AWAY!!!!!! Everything I threw at him was soft things like towels and stuff until I threw something wooden. It landed right on his face with enough power to knock hulk backward. He fell on the floor outside the bathroom and I quickly shut the door.
"I thought I locked it," I said to myself. Then I quickly tried to lock it again and that's when I realized that the lock was broken. This can't be happening to me. Maybe I should just get out, but I really wanted this bath. Oh, wait maybe the other door isn't locked. Inside the bathroom, there were two doors. One that led to the changing room which was the first one and another that led to the bathing area, the second one.


"What the hell she didn't need to throw that at me." I grumpily as I rubbed my head. Then I quickly remembered seeing (__) in a towel. Her (h/l), (h/c) hair rested perfectly behind her in a ponytail. Although she had a towel it didn't cover much. The upper part of her breasts were exposed, as they were too big to be concealed by the towel and most of her perfectly shaped thighs were exposed as well. The towel showed the curves on her flawless body. I blushed just thinking about it and then quickly shook my head to get the thoughts out of mind. I shouldn't be thinking about this. If she knew I was she would probably kill me.
"Ace what happe-. Oh, I get it." Marco said with a smirk.
"What are you talking about?" I asked confused while getting up from the floor.
"You saw didn't you?" I immediately knew what he was talking about.
"No!" I denied and turned my head away. I started blushing again just thinking about it.
"Don't lie. Your face is red." Marco said.
"Shutup!!" I shouted and Marco only laughed.
"What's that?" Marco then asked pointing at something on the floor.
"Clothes I guess." Then I got a great idea.
"A white bra. How cute, it definitely suits her." Marco said squaring to examine her clothes.
"Don't go looking through her stuff!" I shouted and quickly grabbed the clothes so he couldn't see anymore.
"And everyone calls me a perv," I said annoyed.
"That's cause you are," Marco said walking away.
"I'm not. How can you call me a perv for being good with the girls." I said with a smirk at the last part.
"Someone sure is cocky. What are you doing with that? Shouldn't you leave it here." Marco asked pointing the wooden box in my hand.
"I'm going to play a trick on (__)."
"Okay. Don't blame me if she kills you."

(__) POV

"That felt amazing!" I said to myself getting out the bath. I went to the changing room to get dressed and that's when I realized that my clothes were missing.
"Where are my things?" Then I quickly remembered what happened earlier with Ace. Crap I threw them at him. Well, they should be outside. I cracked open the door and peeked my head out to look for my clothes.
"Where are they!?!?" They should be right here!! Wait a minute he didn't take them, did he?
"ACE!!!!!!!" I swear I'm going to kill him. At least my necklace was safe but still! I shouted his name again hoping he would come but nothing. I called out for him again and still nothing. I can't believe this! He is the most annoying person I have ever met. When I realized Ace wasn't coming I knew there was only one option left to do, I had to go out to my room and pray no one sees me. Reluctantly I did just that. I ran quickly to the end of the hall and stopped to see if there was anyone around. When I saw no one I made a run for it and that's when I ran into someone's chest.
"Why are you run-. Oh my, how bold." Izo said noticing my attire. I would feel better if it was just Izo but Haruta and Thatch were with him as well. I looked at them and saw they were both blushing like crazy and so was I.
"Why are you in a towel?" Thatch asked turning his head to the side.
"Can't explain sorry!" I said before running off again. I quickly ran away hoping I wouldn't run into anyone else. Of course, that's not what happened. This ship has so many people on it that it's impossible not to run into any of them and of course they were all male. I ended up running past a bunch of the crew. Some were blushing, some had nosebleeds, and some passed out. Eventually, I made it into my room and there he was. That annoying flame brained idiot was knocked out on his bed and my clothes were on the floor next to him. My eyebrows twitched in irritation. I had to hold myself back from yelling at him right here and now. I knew that I first needed to change so I grabbed my clothes and went into the closet. I changed into a sleeveless blue and green plaid shirt that stopped just above my belly button. I had navy blue shorts and brown sandals. Once I was done I walked out to find Ace still asleep. I walked over to him cracking my knuckles while having an evil smile plastered on my face.

3rd POV

"Was that a scream?" Haruta asked.
"Sounded like Ace's," Vista added.
"I told him not to do it," Marco said face-palming at his friend's idiocy.
"Do what?" Thatch asked confused.
"You'll find out soon." Only a couple minutes later (__) walked out with a smile. Thatch and Haruta blushed when they saw her recalling the scene from earlier.
"You should check on Ace, we heard him scream," Izo suggested.
"No Ace is fine."
"Are you sure?" Vista asked clearly suspicious.
"Yes, is just relaxing." All the boys in the room got a chill from the way (__) was smiling at them. They were all curious but they didn't push any further terrified of the look (__) was giving them.

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