Chapter 74

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3rd POV

Now standing tall in front of Akainu was Red Hair Shanks along with his crew supporting him.
"But how?" One of the marines asked confused.
"His crew had a run-in with one of the other Yonkos just yesterday! I thought he and Kaido would still be duking it out for sure. So what's he doing all the way over here?"
"What!?! Shanks no way!!" Buggy exclaimed surprised. "I got enough going on I don't need you here!"
"Buggy catch!" Shanks said throwing Luffy's hat that Luffy dropped.
"Huh, your hat?"
"Give it back to Luffy for me."
"Hey, why don't you do it!! Listen I bright enough attention to myself today it's time to get out! No favors especially not for you!"
"That's a real shame. I hoped you stuck around. I've been holding on to this treasure map for a while hoping to bump into you. And I guarantee you it'll suit your fancy."
"Oh really, I'm supposed to believe that we're such good friends that you'll give me a treasure over a dump hat."
"Oh well, I can always give it to someone else."
"Don't be so hasty!! I'll do it for old time sakes."  Buggy said flying away.

"Damn it stop them do whatever it takes!!" Akainu yelled. Aokiji made the first move by jumping into the air and freezing the water over even more. Kizaru then used multiple bullet-like beams to attack the water in the hopes of shooting down Law's submarine.
"If they're still alive after that, then I'm afraid Lady Luck just isn't on our side," Kizaru said as he watched the water. "But if we can't sink them today we'll sink them tomorrow."

"You scum-sucking red-head sack of Excrement. You're telling me the treasure map thing was a lie!!!" Buggy yelled.
"Just having some fun old friend, it's been a while," Shanks said with a smile.
"Screw you!! Oh, it's been a while huh." Buggy mocked. "Did you think I'd forgive what you did out of kindness, that I'd forget."
"Forget about what?" Shanks asked confused.
"Ahh don't give me that!! If you hadn't snuck up on me back then I never would have eaten that devil fruit and more importantly, I never would have lost that treasure map. In other words, I'd be filthy rich instead of running from the navy!" Buffy said crying.
"Oh is that so."
"Playing it cool, I should have known. All these years and you're still a prodigy when it comes to pissing me off. You've only been here five minutes and you already lied and cheated me! You said that you were going to stop the war well you're about to start a new one, with me right now! Once a chump always a chump." Buggy declared.
"I really did miss you though," Shanks said walking away. Shanks walked towards where Marco and the commanders were standing,
"What now?" Marco asked.
"Marco, there's nothing to gain from fighting anymore. Just walk away nice and easy." Shanks began walking again this to the marines.
"You're thirst for battle is your undoing. Every blow you land upon your enemies, you land upon your own men. However, if anyone here still hungers for battle, fine then come, we shall be more than happy to face you!" Shanks declared and marines backed away in fright. "Well Teach you wanna try or are you, Blackbeard?"
"Pretty as a picture aren't you, Red Hair. Scars are a nice touch." Blackbeard laughed. "Hahaha! You know what fine. I got what I came here for after all and I'm not looking for a fight here with you guys anyway. Well not yet at least. Come on fellas let's pack it up."
Sengoku finally turned back to normal and Shanks put his sword away.
"Accept your loses, honor the fallen, withdraw from battle with your dignity intact." Shanks began. "As for Whitebeard, (__), and Ace I'm sure you won't mind if they're friend took care of the burial. The battle was already broadcasted in front of the entire world. I won't allow you to make a spectacle of their deaths by parading on their corpses around like trophies."
"And why shouldn't we! If they wanted a proper burial they shouldn't have disrespected the navy!"
"We have every right to string the bastards up!"
"And why should we listen to a pirate anyway!"
"That's enough!" Sengoku yelled. "I'll allow it, Shanks, just this once. Let me take responsibility."
"Thank you."
"Now go treat the injured before it's too late!" Sengoku commanded. "This war is over! The navy was won!!!"

And thus, and what would later be known as the War of the Best, ended in Marineford. The most fearsome battle since the beginning of the Great Pirate Era bright victories and defeats alike, leaving the world uncertain of its future.

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