Chapter 61

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3rd POV

Ace was still in shock from what he heard from Boa Hancock. He couldn't believe his idiot brother would come all the way down here just to save. He was snapped out of his thoughts from a loud roar of cheers coming from the other cellmates.
"Did Boa Hancock come back? They're even louder than before." Jinbe said.
Walking down the corridor was (__) along with Magellan however couldn't see not hear her yet.
"Hey, Magellan can I be in a cell with Ace?"
"Oh poo." (__) said pouting.
"Hey, there hottie you can come in my cell anytime."
"Hey Magellan bring her in here with us we could use some fun."
"Man we're just getting hottie after hottie. This is our lucky day."
"And she's even hotter than the other one."
"Is it always this loud in here?" (__) asked a little annoyed by the prisoners who constantly called get hottie.
"No, it's not." They kept walking until the stopped right next to Ace's cell. Jinbe looked up at the girl a little surprised to see such a beautiful girl in here. Ace, however, had his head hung low so he didn't notice the girl at first. Magellan put (__) in the cell across from Ace. When she looked forward she was immediately filled with happiness.
"ACE!!!!!!!" Ace was shocked when he heard her voice.
"Have I gone delusional. I miss her so much that I'm hearing her voice. But it sounded so real." Ace thought to himself. Ace slowly picked his head to gaze into the face of the girl he cared so much for. She had that same smile on her face that he loved so much and yet seeing it this time broke his heart.
"What the hell are you doing here!!!" Ace yelled and then he looked down at her body noticing all the cuts on her perfect skin.
"I'm here to see you of course." (__) said with an innocent smile that shocked everyone who heard.
"You sure are crazy (__)." A voice familiar to (__) said.
"Crocy you're here too!"
"Are you crazy why would you do all that just to see me. Because of me, you're all hurt and injured." Ace said sadly.
"I'm only here to give you some hope Ace and by the looks of it, you need it. Luffy is the one who's going to save us."
"You think someone is going to save you." One of the prisoners said.
"No one gets out of Impel Down." Another laughed.
"Shut up!" (__) yelled silencing everyone. "If I do recall one other person broke out of Impel Down 20 years ago. If he could do it who says that we can't get out to." (__) then turned her attention to Ace. "So stop being so down in the dumps Ace. This isn't like you."
"You're the same as 2 years ago. Just as hopelessly optimistic like I remember." Crocodile said.
"So what at least I'm not as negative as you." (__) defended.
"It's actually one of the things I find intriguing about you." Crocodile replied with a smirk. He swiftly pulled (__) down with him to the seat that was offered in his cell.
"Get your hands off her!" Ace yelled angrily.
"What are you doing Crocy." (__) said blushing as she sat in between Crocodile's legs.
"Sleep. You need some rest."

(__) POV

When I woke up from my nap I was still in the arms of Crocy.
"What time is it?" I said still half asleep.
"How would I know there's no clock in here."
"On yeah." I looked over at Ace's cell to check up on him and talk to him a bit but he wasn't there.
"Where's Ace?"
"He's gone. They took him." An unfamiliar voice said. In Ace's cell was a large blue Fishman.
"What!? Already!" Where the hell is Luffy? He's so supposed to be here and save Ace.
"Your name is (__) right?"
"Yeah, why?" I asked.
"Ace talked about you a lot. You're special to him."
"Oh, he said that," I said blushing a little.
"Yes, and you should know your hutch was right. Luffy is here."
"I knew he would come," I said with a smile. I spent a little time talking with the Fishman Jinbe and Crocy here and there. My conversion was interrupted by the one person I was waiting for.
"ACE!!!!!!(__)!!!!!!!" He stopped right in front of Jinbe's cell with his back turned to me. "Is this the one Ace is in?" He asked his larger friend with purple hair. "Ace! He's gone."
"Are you absolutely certain this is the right cell!" The large man yelled at the female guard.
"Yes, I promise you. He was just here I swear."
"What about (__) where's she?"
"I'm sorry I'm not sure who that is." The guard replied.
"She's a really really really pretty girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes." Was it really necessary for him to say really three times?
"I'm right here Luffy." Luffy quickly turned around to face my eyes wide.
"Hiya Luffy. It's been a while." The large man grabbed the keys near my cell unlocking my door and closing it when I got out. The moment I stepped a foot out Luffy tackled me in a tight wrapping his arms around me multiple times.
"I missed you two Luffy but can you take my shackles off first." He did what I asked setting me free.
"Where's Ace?" Luffy asked.
"You were a little late. They just took him so he should be on the elevator. We have to hurry."
"Right let's go," Luffy said now more serious. We ran all the way to the elevator. Luckily for us, the gate was left open.
"The operating system is stuck." The man now named as Ivankov said. Okay, I take it back we aren't lucky.
"Alright we'll just have to climb up there's no other way," Luffy said. All of a sudden some spike things fell from inside the elevator almost hitting Luffy.
"Ah I see so they can't just let things be convenient for us, can they. They must be watching us." Ivankov said. "Let's go back to the stairs." We all started running the way Ivankov said but before we could reach it bars fell from the ceiling trapping us. As if that wasn't bad enough gas started spilling out too.
"Doesn't matter if it's poisonous I have to go!" Luffy said running right into it.
"Wait a minute Luffy," I called out. Next thing you know Luffy passed our from the gas.
"There you go sleeping gas," Inazuma said.
"Idiot," I said facepalming.
"He didn't even give it a second thought. At least try to stay alive." Ivankov yelled. Well, this isn't good. I'm not sure how long I can hold breath. Out of nowhere Inazuma's hands turned to scissors and he started cutting the floor as if it was paper. When he thought it was enough he lifted by the floor so it stuck to the bars stopping the gas from entering.
"We gotta keep going. Thanks for covering up the gas but now we can't go up the stairs to get to Ace." Luffy said now awake.
"That was the only to stop the gas from filling up the room. If you're unconscious you can't save anyone can you?"
"I'll save him whether I'm unconscious or not. I'm not gonna let him die understand!"
"Luffy Inazuma is right. There was nothing else he could do." I said.
"Still," Luffy said pouting like a child.
"It was a simple plan but for the time being we are trapped here on level 6."
"Sorry bud guess that's all we can do," Ivankov said sending a wink to the den den mushi recorder. "At least the jerks can't watch us now. We gave it a good shot but no time for regrets now. I'm sure by now they made it to the top floor to hand off Ace for the transfer. Even if we could get out we would have a lot of obstacles in our way. The navy's convey is quick too. Take a look at the vivre card." Luffy pulled out his vivre card checking to where it was going. "It's not going straight up anymore, is it? That means that Ace has already been handed over to the navy."
"You're right," I said while staring at the vivre card.
"It's time to start thinking of ourselves. I promise to get you out of here. As for as Ace boy goes that ship has already sailed, literally. Give up on him okay. Or rather put your faith in Whitebeard. There's no way he'll give up on one of his own he'll come up with something."
"You're right about that Ivankov. Pops will do anything to save Ace, but I can't just leave him. I need to be at Marineford to fight with everyone else." I said.
"What!?!? Don't be stupid! A massive battle is about to take place between two of the most powerful people in the world. Do you have any idea how strong Whitebeard is? What about all the admirals, Vice admirals, and Shichibukai on the navy's side. Remember them. And you look at yourself. You're particular dead already."
"We're leaving to Marineford," Luffy said.
"What!?! Not you too!"
"If I don't go I'll regret it," Luffy said seriously.
"You can do as you like but how do you propose we get off this floor?" Inazuma asked.
"Hahaha. If you want out that bad the set me free. I'll make a hole in the ceiling and you'll be free to go. Sound good." Crocy said laughing.
"No way. They got him down here too... Crocodile."
"Just like old times huh. Did you miss me?" Crocy said getting up from his seat. "You know for the life of me I couldn't find a reason to break out of here. But Whitebeard and they navy are going into war. This is my chance to finally kill the old man."
"Screw that crap, you must up Vivi's home country. You should rot down here."
"That was a long time ago. That place is no longer of any interest to me."
"However you may feel we still need his help," Ivankov said.
"I agree. Let's free him." I said.
"What!?!? Are you crazy (__)! Do you have any idea what he did."
"I also wouldn't mind helping you out (__)," Crocy said with a smirk.
"So you know Crocodile (__)," Ivankov said a little surprised.
"Hello Ivankov," Crocy growled.
"What you know Crocodile?!"
"Yes, just a little past acquaintance."
"Don't worry Luffy if he tried anything I'll handle him myself," I said with a smile.
"Oh, so you'll handle me. That sounds like fun." Crocy said with a smirk.
"Don't forget Croco boy that I know your weakness," Ivankov said.
"Crocy's weakness! I wanna know!"
"Don't you say a damn thing Ivankov!"
"Easy there. Sure you want to take that time with me Croco boy because I'd be more than happy to reveal your softer past right now. Or you can shut that mouth of yours, help us out, and keep your dirty little secret. Heehaw!" Okay wow, he doesn't look happy. I've never seen Crocy look so mad before.
"Hey you guys whole you're at it you should let me out too." One of the prisoners said.
"Yeah me too, I got a bone to pick with Whitebeard."
"Yeah me too me too!"
"Shut up! Why would I let you out so you could attack Pops? You all are staying right here!" I said annoyed. I don't understand why anyone would ever want to hurt someone like Pops.
"Please have mercy on me!" Jinbe yelled from not too far away. "I beg you to take me with you. I will be of great service. I've known your brother Ace since he first join the Whitebeard pirates. He's a good friend and I know you too from all the stories he told. Unlike the others down here I was arrested because I objected to his execution. I wanna help save Ace too. I will put my life on the line for him.
"Luffy let's do it," I said.

"Two Shichibukai. Or at least 2 former Shichibukai that is." Inazuma said.
"Wait a second fish guy for real!?" Luffy said surprised.
"You won't regret this I will fight to protect Ace till the end."
"If you think you can stop the war between the navy and Whitebeard then go ahead and try. I don't give a damn either way. As long as I get a shot at that crusty haired bastard it's worth it for me."
"I won't let you hurt Pops Crocy."
"Pops? So he has taken you in as his daughter. Well, that makes things a little harder but it won't stop me from killing him."
"Croco boy your secret past remember," Ivankov said.
"It's time to get moving. With a team, this formidable not even Impel Down can hold us. Heehaw!"

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