Chapter 64

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(__) POV

Everyone was parting being able to escape the unbreakable prison Impel Down. They were drinking and eating like never before. On the edge of the ship, Luffy and Mr.3 were crying for the loss of their friends.
I, on the other hand, was being dragged inside the ship by Crocy. The moment we got inside he closed the door behind him so that no one could enter.
"Hey, Crocy what are-." I was cut off when he suddenly pulled me down to the ground with him. I landed safely on his lap with my legs bent so I was sitting on them. "What the hell was that for?" I asked but got no reply. Instead, he trailed his golden hook along my jaw and down my neck.
"You owe me remember."
"Owe you? For what?" I asked confused.
"For carrying you when we're running."
"What!? You never said anything about owing you."
"You should have known. I never do anything without getting something out of it." I swear he's just like Flamingo. Those two are so similar but so different at the same time it's crazy.
"Fine," I said crossing my arms. "What do you want?" He said nothing but looked around at my face. His eyes went from my cheek to my ears, to my jaw, and finally stopped at my neck. Why is he looking at me like that it's embarrassing?
He slowly leaned in closer to my neck and I quickly stopped him the moment to feel his hot breath on my neck. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked blushing bright red.
"I'm taking what you owe me." Suddenly using his only free hand he grabbed both my arms and held them to my lap so I couldn't fight back. Nervously I closed my eyes as I waited for what was to come.
I felt a line of kisses trail down my neck and along my collar bone. I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter with each kiss he placed on me. He kept going on like that until suddenly he started gently biting me. When he found that certain spot on my neck I wasn't sent over the edge. I had to bite my own tongue to stop myself from doing something I knew I would regret.
"Why do I feel like this? Why do I like this? No think straight (__) I have to stop him." I managed to wiggle my hands from his grasp and push him away before he could do anything else. My body was hotter than ever before and my breathing was hard and unsteady. "That's enough," I said once I calmed myself down.
"So that's how you react when I do something like that." He said with a smirk. "It's cute. Makes me want to do more."
I quickly moved away from him and ran out the door to get away from Crocy. Why if he acting this way? I don't get it. I need to pretend that nothing happened. I looked around to see most of the former prisoners partying and a drunk Buggy walking over to Luffy who was crying on the edge.

3rd POV

"Oh come on guys. I know it's sad and all but you can't waste your time crying. All we can do is party that's what he would want." A drunk Buggy said earring him a punch from Luffy.
"Calm down you two." (__) said to the two trying to calm them down. After bickering a bit Luffy went up to where Jinbe was along with (__) following behind.
"My only hope my strength will be enough. I may be one of the Shichibukai but they will strip me of my title after this. Now let's make Navy Headquarters regret they ever layer their hands in Ace!" While Jinbe was talking Buggy and Luffy started bickering like children again. "We must do right by our fallen. We'll make our friend proud and rescue Ace at any cost."
"Navy Headquarters?"
"What!?!?!?" The two said at the same time shocked.
"Wow really your seriously a warlord! Jeez, no wonder you're so strong." Luffy said surprised and (__) couldn't help but giggle at his behavior.
"Yes, I suppose I should have told you sooner."
"I thought you knew Luffy." (__) said giggling.
"Hey! What's all this talk about Navy Headquarters. Don't tell me we just escaped from the bowels of hell just to go to the belly of the beast!!" Buggy yelled.
"I'm afraid so," Jinbe answered.
"Screw you!!! No ones that crazy!! Surely you heard about the war brewing between Whitebeard and the navy."
"Don't act so surprised. It's not our fault your so dense." Crocodile said rudely.
"Say what!?!?"
"Well we passed through the Gate of Justice isn't that right? That means our destination is either Enies Lobby our Navy HQ. This tub current is restricted to government passage only. It's one giant whirlpool the connects the World Government's three major facilities. The reason we busted out now is because we have a role to play in this war. You best get used to it." Crocodile explained.
"Yup the real right is about to start," Luffy said with his hands on his hips.
"The real fight, then what do you call that back there!?!?" Buggy and Mr.2 yelled scared.
"Stop turn this ship around you bastard!" Buggy said climbing on Jinbe.
"Please stop!" Mr.2 said doing the same.
"There's no stopping and there's no turning around, not while the ship is on the current."
"If your scared just get off," Luffy said a little bit too seriously.
"Umm Luffy they'll drown if they do that." (__) said.
"Oh yeah."
"The navy, the Shichibukai, and the Whitebeard pirates fighting all at once no one can survive that!!"
"I've heard enough please take me back. I'd rather be in prison than in this war." One of the men said.
"All of us from Newkama land knew about this plan."
"Then why the hell didn't you tell us!"
"Hey (__) what's that?" Luffy asked pointing.
"What's what?"
"That mark on your neck it's all red." (__) looked down at her neck confused until she saw the make Luffy was talking about. Quickly the events from earlier went through her mind and she turned red just thinking about it but was also pissed at the same time. She sent a cold glare to Crocodile which he only smirked at.
"Don't tell me you two." Ivankov began but was cut off by (__).
"Can I get a bandage I think I got bit by a bug or something."
"She's in denial!" Ivankov thought to himself. "Umm, sure here you are dearie."
"Thank you." (__) said with the same smile as before.
"Purururu Purururu Purururu"
"It's a transponder snail." (__) said. Everyone went down to where it was but no one did anything until Luffy answered.
"Listen, kid, we're aware that this ship has been hijacked by escapees. We received a report from Impel Down so let's be honest here before contact was lost we had insider information being fed to us. Based on this we have determined who the three ring leaders behind the breakout are. You the pirate is own as Straw Hat Luffy, Enchanting Goddess (__), and another notorious pirate, Buggy the Clown."
"What!?!?" Everyone yelled at the same time.
"We got Shichibukai here and their main suspect is Captain Buggy!?"
"Wait a minute why me I was in jail?!" (__) asked surprised.
"Your behavior, while you were in Impel Down, was suspiciously happy. You were not acting like a prisoner going to jail. According to the news we received you were smiling the whole time, giving your food away, and even goes as far as to play with the Wild Beasts. Therefore we suspect that you were working with Straw Hat Luffy and Buggy the Clown."
"I was only going to motivate Ace why are they blaming me for this." (__) said falling on her knees and hands.
"At first we assumed that the clown was another two but criminal but to be frank we were wrong. We learned he was a crew member on the ship of Gol Rodger, the King of the Pirates."
"Ahhh, they found me out!!!"
"Oh and there's one other thing he's an ally along with (__) of one of the Yonko. His name is Red Hair Shanks.
"So if you can hear us, Buggy, we don't know how someone with your background has laid low for so long but you most certainly stepped into the spotlight now. We haven't defunded your connection with Fire Fist Ace yet but we are sure you share the same goal as Straw Haw Luffy and Enchanting Goddess (__), go rescue him from execution. We know you are Accompanied by Jinbe, Crocodile, Ivankov, and over 200 average run in the kill ruffians, you tricked into falling your lead. Now let me explain your future. Your fates depend on whether we open the Gate of Justice. As long as we leave it closed you can't get to Marineford, you can't even get out of the tube current. You'll be completely stranded. There is no sea for you to escape too. Better get used to your surroundings. That's all."
"Hey Navy!" Luffy faller out to the transponder snail. "I'm going to rescue Ace no matter what!!! Better keep your potatoes peeled!"
"Wait I gotta know Captain Buggy were you honestly a member of Gol Rodgers crew?" Someone asked.
"And the sworn brother of Red Hair Shanks."
"You're one hell of a pirate Captain Buggy."
"Not the background I was expecting from him," Jinbe commented.
"And yet he's so weak," Mr.1 added.
"You know actually the old Vice-Captain guy said something about you," Luffy said.
"Did he really. I think I dozed off at that part." (__) said.
"Huh? The Vice-Captain?" Buggy questioned.
"He means Rayleigh." (__) explained.
"Do I? Are you saying you guys have actually seen Rayleigh!!" Buggy yelled. "Ahh man, I miss that guy. Where'd you see him?"
"They're talking about Dark King Rayleigh like it's no big deal!!"
"Oh, crap Captain Buggy I knew you were the genuine article."
"Wait no everything's true but you can't go spreading this around willy nilly. We gotta think about my future as a pirate!" Buggy said. "Hey knock it off. I was an apprentice that's all! You can't worship me for that. I'm not being humble just stop." (__) started laughing causing Buggy to go silent and stare at her as he listened to her cute laugh.
"You're really funny Buggy. I like you." (__) said as she wiped a tear from her eye. Buggy immediately started blushing from the compliment from the (h/c) haired beauty. A new wave of confidence overflows him but that quickly changes to horror when he felt a deathly glare from Crocodile directed right at him.
"If I keep this up Crocodile's going to kill me for sure, but she's just too cute. I can't blame her for being amazed by me." Buggy thought to himself.
"Captain Buggy we'll follow you to the day we die. Just give us an order. We can still this ship."
"We don't have to go to Navy HQ." The men began to surround Luffy, (__), Mr.1, Crocodile, and Jinbe as they chanted Buggy's name.
"That's enough don't get too flashy! You guys are high on power and are acting impulsively. No matter what this ship is not stopping. We are heading straight to the heart of the war. And you guys are all already on board aren't you. Think about what that means for a second. You no time at all we'll come face to face to the man who's foot stands on top of the world. Chances like this don't come around more than once in a lifetime. So listen I want all of you to live out a dream with me. For today, I'll conquer Whitebeard and thus rule the world!"
"YEAH!!!!!!!" (__) was struggling to stop herself from laughing at the silly situation.
"They sure are a loud bunch."

One Piece x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें