Chapter 119

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(__) POV

"Ready to fly, Nami!" Luffy commanded. Everyone got ready to set sail but I was too lost in my own thoughts to focus. Too many sad things were happening at once. I'm saying goodbye to Katakuri and Pedro is dead. He's actually dead.


"Hey look I see them!" I pointed out.
"Doesn't look too good though. The ship is covered in candy and Big Mom's about to attack."
"Wait Ace look! Pedro! He's covered in candy!"
Ace ran closer to them and that's when we noticed Pedro opening his jacket to reveal a row of dynamites.
"What is he... doing?" I asked shocked. Ace seemed to realize what Pedro was planning so he put me on the ground gently and ran over to where Pedro was to try and save him. However, he was too late. Pedro dropped his cigarette causing a large explosion to erupt. Ace was forced back from the aftershock of it.

*flashback over*

I can already tell Ace is blaming himself for this.
"Ace it isn't your fault."
"Yes, it was. I was right there."
"You're fast Ace but not even you can beat an explosion. There was nothing you could do."
When I looked down at the deck Carrot charged at Katakuri with lightening covering her hand. Katakuri dodged her attack and she went at him again but before she could hit him Ace blocked her.
"Get out of my way!!" She yelled.
"You're not in the right headspace right now. You'll get yourself killed and what will that do?!" Ace yelled. Slowly Carrot calmed down moving her hands to the side.
"Smart decision Fire Fist, however as long as I'm here I won't let this ship set sail."
Luffy charged at Katakuri with a round of multiple punches. "Carrot! Leave him to me!" He said as he attacked Katakuri. He then blew on his arm turning it into the size of a giant. "We'll set sail! I'm the captain of this ship! Gum Gum Elephant Gun!!!"
Luffy's giant arm was blocked by Katakuri's mochi but that didn't last long as Luffy's strength was able to overpower Katakuri. Luffy held onto Katakuri so he couldn't make any moves.
"Nami! Now is your chance!" I yelled.
"Right!" Nami ran for the steering wheel and put a hand on the lever once there.
"What's going on?" Ace asked coming up to where I was.
"You'll see. It's pretty cool!" I answered.
Brook and Chopper worked on pulling the Shark Submarine in as Big Mom approached us. I looked in front of us seeing a line of ships aiming at us. This isn't good. Cannons in the front, Big Mom in the back, and Katakuri on the ship.
"Nami! Are you ready yet?!!" I yelled.
"No, not yet! Just a little more to go!"
Cannons began to fire at us but luckily none hit us yet.
"The cola energy has reached its maximum!" Nami announced.
"Now! Go!!!" Luffy yelled.
"Coup de..."
"Wait!" Big Mom said cutting off Nami. She held on to the back of the ship so the front was lifted in the air a little. "Wait!"
"Big Mom!"
"I can't use the Coup de Burst!?" Nami said shocked with a mix of fear. "I think cola has leaked due to the impact."
More cannonballs fired at us but Brook and Chopper were able to stop it from hitting us. Nami asked Jinbe to take her place as she headed down to where the cola was being kept. Before leaving she gave him a tone dial with Franky's instructions on how to work the Coup de Burst.
"Where is it...? The wedding cake!!" Big Mom asked after taking a bite out of the Sunny.
"What the hell is she doing?!!!" Ace yelled. "The ship isn't a damn cake!!"
"Where is it?"
"She's going to destroy the ship at this rate!" I warned. I looked off in the distance and noticed that through the smoke someone got up from the ground. "Can it be Pedro?! Did he survive?" I thought to myself however I was proved wrong. Instead of Pedro, Persopero was the one standing. Although his body was heavily damaged and his arm was missing he was still very much alive.
"Nami! Carrot! (__)! Ace! Jinbe! Brook! Chopper!" Luffy yelled stilling holding onto Katakuri and now Brulee with his other hand. "Listen to me! I'll be back! I'll leave the rest to you!"
"Luffy what do you...." I began but then slowly realized what he meant. "Luffy you idiot stop it right now!!!!"
As Jinbe got ready to fly off using the Coup de Burst I ran down to the deck where Luffy was. I tried to stop him from leaving but it was too late. He pulled him and Katakuri inside the mirror alongside Brulee. Before I could even go inside with him the mirror shattered to pieces.
"Luffy!!! You idiot! What are you thinking!"
"(__), calm down!" Ace said holding me from behind.
"Ace... Katakuri's gonna..."
"He both know how strong Luffy is. He'll come back to us alive."
"Ace is right! We need to trust Luffy." Brook said and the others nodded in agreement. I slowly began to calm down and Ace unwrapped his arms from around me. "Speaking of being missing, I don't see Pedro-san either."
"Oh, you're right..." Chopper said looking around.
I turned to Carrot to find her sitting on the floor on the brink of tears.
"Pedro is... Pedro is..."
"Did something happen?" Brook asked.
"Hey, guys, what's the matter?"
"Chopper, Brook listen carefully." Nami began. "The thing is... Pedro is..."

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