Chapter 86

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3rd POV

"There's another bloodthirsty Fighting Fish jumping out! It's charging at Burgess! Has it caught him off guard, he's not moving? Or is it that he can't move? Is he going to be eaten by the Fighting Fish?!"
Burgess pulled his arm back charging up before elbowing the Fighting Fish right in the mouth.
"It made a massive whole in the spectator's seat! Burgess' powerful Wave Motion Elbow!! The upstart pirate, Blackbeard, and the ten fleet Captain that support him, this is Jesus Burgess!"
Burgess' just laughed as the crowd yelled at him for attacking them.
"Oh, and another Fighting Fish has appeared. This is... Its's here, it's here, it's here! It's shown up! The one with the devil fruit on its back, fighting fish 01!!"
"There it is," Sabo said.
"Finally." Ace said smirking.
"It's after Burgess." The announcer said but then it changed directions. "Or so we thought. Just who is it after?" He asked and then other Fighting Fish emerged around 01. "Oh, what is this?! The other Fighting Fish have surfaced alongside it! Is this going to turn into a match between the participants in the ring and the Fighting Fish?!" The fish all leaped into the air attacking each one of the participants. Both Ace and Sabo dodger the attack, unlike the other participants who went on the offensive.
"Who is 01 after? Ah, it's going after Rebecca! Survival of the Fittest! It's the law of nature to attack the weakest first! It was after her from the beginning." The fish jumped into the air aiming at Rebecca. Rebecca tried to cut its chain but she was knocked out of the way. Both Sabo and Ace toon this chance that the fish was in the air to jump on its back.
"Do these guys even want the fruit." Ace said smirking.
"It doesn't look like it."
"As if I'd let you have the fruit so easily!" Diamante said taking out his swords.
"I'll deal with him," Sabo said smiling.
"Alright! Lucy and Diamante are facing off!! Diamante swung his sword at Sabo but it broke in half by the strength of Sabo's pipe. The next person to challenge them was Burgess.
"Now you're up against me! I'll be the one to take the Mera Mera Fruit! I'll take you all down at once."
"Burgess has taken his stance again!!" The announcer said and the crowd all began to run. The fish that was flying the air finally landed in the middle of the arena.
"I'll handle this one." Ace said cracking his knuckles and standing in front of Sabo. Right, when Burgess went to attack with his elbow Ace countered it with his own punch. As the two clashed Haki was released and the wind blew fiercely. Eventually, Ace was able to get the upper hand and broke right through Burgess' armor.
"Oh my, Burgess' armors have been shattered!"
"Did you really think you'd get my devil fruit." Ace said smiling. "I'm the only person who can have the powers of the Mera Mera Fruit!"

*with (__)*

"A-are you guys okay?" Luffy asked as he was being squished by the walls in his Gum Gum Balloon form.
"Yeah, somehow," Viola answered.
"Just hold on a sec. I'll open a path." Zoro said sticking his sword in one of the open cracks of the wall. Multiple slashes from Zoro's sword broke through the walls sending everyone flying away.
"Gum Gum Storm!" Luffy yelled attacking Pica with multiple punches. "What a troublesome guy."
"I'll do it," Zoro said charging in. Before Zoro could teach him Pica picked up the floor and raised it up so it touched the ceiling.
"What's this?!" Luffy asked surprised.
"Three-Sword Style, 108 Pound Cannon!!" Zoro said cutting the floor that was now attached to the ceiling.
"Gum Gum Gatling!!"
"Luffy you're only punching more and more walls it's pointless." (__) said. Luffy and Zoro didn't listen as they both kept attacking the stone body of Pica. When they knocked him down to the ground the group made a run for it.
"He just doesn't give up," Luffy said before a stone wall appeared blocking their path. Zoro was the one to break through it with a single motion of his swords.
"Luffy, take her and go on ahead. Leave this guy to me. You go take down Doflamingo." Zoro said putting his sword in his mouth.
"Good luck Zoro." (__) said.
"I don't need luck. I'll cut down this rock monster."
(__), Viola and Luffy all made a run for it but Pica wouldn't let them go that easily. Zoro stopped him hit cutting his fingers away and (__) cut the wall in front of her clearing an opening for them.
"There are dead-end all over this place," Luffy said as (__) cut another stone wall.
"I told you, Pica has complete control over this stone castle. Will he really be okay?" Viola asked.
"You don't have to worry about him. He's strong." (__) answered.
"Zoro'll be fine no matter what happens."

*at the Colosseum*

"Oh my, Rebecca, who was never initiated an attack, had begun attacking!" The announcer said surprised as he watched Rebecca attempt to cut Diamante.
"What's with that sword? There's no edge. This is an arena for deathmatches. If you're not gonna cut someone, then get cut yourself. That'll get the audience riled up." He said as he attacked Rebecca with a metal club that was locked inside a small box.
"A direct hit! The undefeated woman was completely helpless." The crowd all cheered seeing Rebecca bleeding on the floor.
"Rebecca do you know how your mother Scarlett died? The way that toy solider was crying was truly pathetic."

*with (__)*

As the group was running through the corridor they ran into the one-legged toy soldier about to be blown up by Gladius.
"Gum Gum Jet Stamp!" Luffy yelled kicking Gladius in the stomach making him let go of the toy soldier.
"Solider, where are Franky and the others?" Luffy asked.
"Straw Hat we don't have time to chat!" Viola said.
"Straw Hat Luffy? A Toy Dog? Violet?!"
"How dare you you betray the young master!"
"Bring it on!"
"No Luffy we don't have time for this." (__) said grabbing his hand and running.
"Violet-sama why are you here?" The Toy Soldier asked from on top of Luffy.
"You know me?"
"Yes, though you don't remember me."
"I've been watching you my Clairvoyance the whole time. Both you and Rebecca. It must have been hard for you. Thank you."
"Violet, you will pay for betraying us," Gladius said as his head got larger.
"I haven't betrayed anyone. These past ten years, I've never once been on your side!"
"Still you've disgraced the young master!" He said angrily. "Met Punc!!" He said as his head exploded sending small yet deadly pieces of stone after them. Viola got hit by some of them on her back causing her to fall forward. Before she hit the ground Luffy caught her and continued running.
"Hey, you're gonna be okay, aren't you?" Luffy asked.
"The debris only grazed me," Viola answered.
"Stop acting like Flamingo is God or something! He's just a normal person so relax Gladius!" (__) yelled.
"Oops." (__) said covering her mouth.
"How dare you call out Young Master by such a name. Only one woman is worthy enough to call him that and she died two years ago. You have no right to call him that!!"
They continued running but instead of heading for the stairs they jumped right through the window.
"Where are you going?" Viola asked.
"Up there right?" Luffy said.
"Yup straight to the top." (__) said hugging Luffy from his back. Luffy stretched his foot up to grab the windowsill and shot up like a spring.

"A-amazing! We're right in front of our goal!" The toy soldier said laying against the wall.
"Hey, wait," Viola said pulling Luffy down to the ground.
"Why are we hiding? Mingo's right there!"
"Be quiet," Viola said putting her finger to her mouth. "You'll ruin the entire operation."
"Operation? Is it that SOP thing Wicca said earlier?" (__) asked.
"Yes. The Tontattans' Operation SOP. We'll take action once it's completed but for now, stay quiet."
"Not sure that's possible for Luffy." (__) stated as Viola looked through the window to the room Doflamingo was in.
"I thought you were only after the Smile factory. So why are Straw Hat and the gnomes from Green Bit working together? That's not an alliance you cajole have just formed in a whim one day." Doflamingo asked a chained up Law.
"How did they get underground? Why are they after Sugar? What is the meaning of your actions? All these inconveniences are piling up on top of each other. Unless this is a coincidence, then they must know the dark roots of this kingdom." Law remained silent as Doflamingo asked question after question. Annoyed Baby 5 hit Law on his head.
"Answer! The young master asked you a question, Law!" Law rose his head and gave her a cold look making her retreat crying into Buffalo's arms.
"Didn't I tell you. They have nothing to do with me anymore. Our alliance is broken. I don't even understand most of what you're talking about." Law answered.
"Are you trying to trick me? Or do you really not know?" It got silent for a moment before Doflamingo spoke up again. "If only Violet were with me for this interrogation. She could get the truth out of you immediately. Or... this can't be your doing, can it, King Riku? The Tontattans used to serve you too."
"Father, what are you doing in the palace?" Viola asked worriedly as she watched.
"Traf is alive."
"He doesn't look alright. Stupid Flamingo."
"C'mon, let's just kick Mingo's ass!" Luffy said punching his fists together.
"I keep telling you, not yet!"
"Just how kind do we gotta wait here?" Luffy asked. Viola used her Clairvoyance to check up on Operation SOP.
"What's wrong? You're pale." (__) said worriedly.
"The Tontattans gnomes have been wiped out by the Family's top commander, Trébol."
"What?!" The toy soldier said surprised.
"My crewmates should be with them."
"Yes, the long-board one is. But he's..."
"Then we wait. If he's with them, it'll be fine. Usopp's the kind of guy you can found ton when you need him."

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