Chapter 48

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3rd POV

"I don't know what happened while we were gone but they totally wrecked the place!" Usopp yelled once he got on the Sunny.
"Footprints are everywhere," Robin said as she got on the ship. On the deck, there were boxes of food and booze laying everywhere.
"I wonder what they were trying to do?" Usopp asked.
"I don't smell any zombies." Chopper said sniffing the air.
"They probably placed them inside a cabin right. They have to protect them from the sunlight. If they do then so the zombies." Robin explained.
"Okay, Franky you had Chopper check out the first floor. Robin and I will check things upstairs. There might still be zombies hanging around, so everyone be careful." Usopp commanded and they all went there separate ways.
"Hey look they're right up here in the dining room!" Usopp yelled.
"Luffy!" Chopper said when he saw him. All three guys were sitting down on chairs with straws in there noses and there ribbons in there hair.

 All three guys were sitting down on chairs with straws in there noses and there ribbons in there hair

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"It's hard to look at," Robin said.
"Wake up already!" Usopp said shaking Luffy. They didn't respond so Franky started hitting them while yelling.
"I have a more delicate solution," Usopp said stopping Franky from using his bazooka. "There's a beautiful lady swordmaster with a whole bunch of meat!!!!" Slowly all three guys woke up.
"A lady."
"You guys are hopeless!!!!" Chopper shouted.

*with (__)*

"Ahh my god, do you see her." One of the wall paintings said.
"A 99, 50, and 90." The other painting.
"Those three sizes are a miracle. "Master Elrick sure did pick himself a nice one."
In the room, a shirt zombie man was looking for the perfect wedding dress for (__) ceremony.
"Hmm, this is the one." He said placing it next to (__) unconscious body. It was a strapless black long black dress with laces on the top and all long it was a flower embroidery.

 It was a strapless black long black dress with laces on the top and all long it was a flower embroidery

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"Perfect match. Dearie I'm going to make you shine." The zombie said as he reached to undress her. "Oh almost forgot." He stopped and used his tape measurement to stop the wall paintings from watching. "Oh and Master Absalom, Master Elrick wouldn't like you peeking on his bride like that."
Absalom left the room although he was quite upset.

*with Luffy*

"That bastard where's my shadow!!!" Luffy shooter ready to punch something or someone.
"He ain't here you idiot take a look at where you are," Franky said stopping him.
"Huh, this is.."
"Yeah, the Sunny."
"Wait what are we doing back here all of a sudden?" Zoro asked. "Oh crap, it wasn't a dream after all was it? I really lost my shadow." Luffy then came back running in from the pantry holding cheese.
"You guys this is an emergency someone came in here and stole all our food while we were out!!" He said with a mouthful of food. Luffy began crying about the fact there was no meat and Zoro was mad at himself for letting his shadow be captured.
"So where's (__) and Nami? Are they waiting outside or something?" Sanji asked looking around.
"Umm well about that.. Umm.." Usopp said nervously.
"You let some bastard kidnap my goddess and Nami!!!" Sanji yelled holding Usopp by the collar of his shirt. "Why didn't you chase them to the ends of the world!!!"
"What (__) was kidnapped!!" Luffy yelled mad.
"It's not really our fault okay. They were hard to catch you see." Usopp said scared.
"You tell me who they are and where I can find them. I'll hunt them down right now and bring the girls back!"
"Wait let me explain the situation where it's sorta complicated." Sanji let Usopp go so he could explain everything.
"Okay here's the deal you guys. Even if it kills us we have to but things we need to get back no matter what."
"Food, our shadows, and (__) oh and Nami too." Luffy interrupted.
"Okay, I'm not sure if one of those makes the listen. Food is great in all but let's focus on (__), Nami, and shadows for now.

They're...they're going to marry them!!!!!!" Sanji yelled angrily as fire surrounded him. "No way in hell!!!!! Let me at him!!!"
"I'm going to kick his ass!" Luffy yelled ready to fight.
"I'm going to slice that guys wings off," Zoro said annoyed. Chopper and Usopp started crying now that they found out they were fighting a Shichibukai.
"Oh wait I forgot," Usopp said leaving inside the cabin and pulling out a small table of sorts. He sat down on it and began working on something as the rest of the crew was talking. Franky explained to the crew that Brook knew a giant whale names Laboon. Sanji, Usopp, Zoro, and Luffy all recalled the time they spent with Laboon and the promise they made.
"Even if I have to force him to I'm going to make him a part of my crew. Any objections." Luffy said excitedly.
"Would it really change your mind." Robin said giggling.
"I want him to join the crew too!" Usopp said.
"Come and totally approval!!" Franky said crying and Chopper agreed.
"Before I can answer such an easy question, I've got to put a stop to the wedding of Nami and my goddess!!!" Sanji said with fire surrounding him again.
"Alright, we got our work cut out for us. I doubt we'll just turn the corner and find out zombies there." Zoro said.
"Not all that Luffy's zombie is a complete monster. He's 6 times as big as any giant!" Chopper said scared.
"Like that makes any damn difference," Zoro said confusing Usopp. "What's the point of pissing our pants if either way we still have to get our shadows back."
"Well, we don't really have to worry about the zombies."
"What are you talking about do you want to run scared from the sun all your life," Zoro said.
"Remember what that old guy said earlier. All we got to do to free the shadows is put an end to Gekko Moriah." Luffy explained.
"Are you nuts!?!?" Usopp yelled.
"Sanji you're rescuing (__) and Nami," Luffy said.
"Yay!!! That's exactly what I wanted to here!!!" Sanji said as fire sprouted out.
"Of I forgot to tell you but the invisible guy spies on Nami as she was taking a bath," Usopp said and Chopper nodded.
"What the hell did you say!!!!"
"Why did you have to add more fuel to the fire?" Zoro asked. "Doesn't he seem mad enough Sanji started saying more things about the invisible man and the flying man.
"Oh and I forgot to say that the flying guy drugged (__) and said that he was going to explore every inch of his body and make her say his name all night."
"HE DID WHAT!!!!!!! WHEN I'M DONE WITH HIM HE'LL WISH SATAN GOT TO HIM FIRST!!!!!!!!" Sanji shouted pissed as even more fire surrounded him to the point he exploded.
"He'll do what," Zoro said with an evil glare in his eyes and a hand on his sword.
"Scary." Chopper said hiding behind Usopp.
"I don't think they liked that," Robin said giggling.
"I'm confused," Luffy said. Zoro was about to leave to kick the flying guy's ass but Franky stopped him.
"You're fighting the samurai," Franky said.
"What but-."
"Let Sanji handle it." After a few seconds, Zoro our his sword away.
"Fine. I swear if that perverted cook fails I'm going to kick his ass."
"I'd like to help bring back (__) and Nami. Then we can all come back and fight Moriah as a team." Robin said.
"You say it like it's no big deal but he's one of the Shichibukai." Chopper said.
"Yeah so what," Luffy said without a care in the world. Sanji was still in the corner yelling and burning with rage.
"Remember our deadline is sunrise," Usopp said as he handed everyone salt.
"We're going to kick their asses for taking (__) and our food. You hear me, Moriah!!!!" Luffy yelled.
"Hey wait were not listening to me." Usopp started talking about the actual goal but was ignored as everyone ran away.

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