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Dean's pov*

I didn't listen to Roman, I ran after them and jumped on Dolph. I started punching him and ramming him into things. "Stop! Dean please STOP!" I heard Aj yell.

I got off of the now knocked out Dolph and looked at Aj. She had hurt in her eyes. I felt bad now. No you don't! She hurt you!! Aj's look of hurt turned into a smirk. I gave her a questioning look.

She winked at me and walked away. I watched her go. I'm trying to figure out what just happened, even though I already knew. Nobody will ever see this coming.

I go back to Roman. "What did you do?!" He exclaimed. "What are you talking about. I just had a friendly conversation with Dolph."

"Sure!" He said, obviously not convinced.

Aj's pov*

I walked away from Dean with a smirk on my face. I went to the curtain and grabbed a mic.

Let's light it up! Light it up, light it up, light it tonight!

I skipped out and went to the ring. I hopped on the apron and got in. My music stopped as I stood in the middle of the ring. Boos filled the arena. "Wow, we're still on that?" I asked.

"Your all probably wondering why I'm out here right now. I'm out here to issue an open challenge for the Divas Title. I haven't been defending it lately and now I am going to." I said.

I'm a-may-yay-yay-yay-zing I'm a I'm a I'm a-may-yay-yay-yay-zing

Naomi came out onto the stage. She did her usual, weird little entrance and got in. "You can't beat me! Bring it!!" She shouted. I laughed at her. The bell rang.

She charged at me but I ducked under her. We lock up and she takes control by throwing me into a corner. She stomped on me until the ref backed her up.

I stood up slowly and jumped on her. I banged her head on the mat. Once she got up, I went to put her in the Black Widow, but she Rear Viewed me. I fell to the mat as she took over me again.

I was hurting as I took all these hits Naomi was giving to me. I was in pain but I had to fight through it, I can't let her beat me. I was now in a corner, she started running at me but I dodged out of the way, causing her to run into the turnbuckle.

I then gave her a Shining Wizard, followed by the Black Widow. She was starting to fade out. "Tap!!" I screamed. The very familiar theme blasted through the arena.

The music I used to come out from the stairs with. The old Shield theme. Roman appeared at the top of the stairs as I let go of Naomi.

I stared at him as he came down. He kept his eyes on the barricade though. Once he reached the barricade, he jumped over and went to ringside.

"What do you want?!" I screamed. He shrugged. Naomi tried rolling me up, but I kicked out and did the Black Widow again. She tapped as the bell rang. I let go of her.

I stared at Roman again and the ref held my hand up in victory. He got in the ring and I backed up a little after getting my belt. He backed me up into someone. The crowd erupted in cheers as I slowly turned around.


My stomach got knots in it. "Dean. Think about this. You don't wanna do this." I said. He had this evil smirk on his face. This probably wasn't the smart choice, but I decided to run.

I jumped over the barricade and ran up the stairs, leaving my belt in the ring. I knew he was chasing me, I could hear him behind me. It doesn't help that he's really fast.

I got up the stairs and ran backstage. I ran down the hall to a dead end. "Shit. No." I looked around to see nowhere to go. There were a couple doors, but I would rather be trapped out here than in a room. He came in sight and came up to me.

"Hello... Friend."

I am soooooooooo sorry for not updating. My life is a mess!! I also wanted to tell you that this story is almost at the end:'( sorry guys :( :(

Twisted (Dean Ambrose and Aj Lee)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat