Drinking Away The Pain

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Dean's pov*

I grabbed bottles with hard liquor in it and guzzled them down. "Dean-." "Shut up Seth, just go away." I interrupted Seth and walked out. I walked to the bar and got really drunk.

I could barely stand, but I managed. I went outside with my pants around my legs. I fell down a couple times, but got up every time.

I walked around the streets and cussed some people out. I still had a bottle of beer in my hand, so I drank the rest of it and threw the bottle at a car.

Unfortunately for me, it was a cop car and there was someone in it. "Dean!" Roman and Seth ran up to me. "Sir, did you just throw a bottle at my car?" The cop asked.

"Maybe I did!" I slurred. "Dean, stop!" Roman yelled. "Make me!" I shouted before pushing past them. "Sir, don't walk away from me." "Officer, I'm so sorry, he's going through a tough time and he's really drunk. We'll take him home right away." Seth tried to defend me.

I did the stupidest thing and punched the officer in the face. "Dean!" They pulled me away. "Bitch!" I yelled. "Sir, your under arrest for physical assault to a police officer, anything you say or do can be used against you in a court of law." He put hand cuffs on me.

"Wait, dude! We're sorry, he's really drunk, come on please don't do this." Roman said. "He punched me." The officer said. "He doesn't know what he's doing."

"Your off with a warning, your lucky." He took the cuffs off me. "I banged your wife." I said before the guys pulled me away. The guy looked at me in disgust, but this time.. I just don't care.

Aj's Pov*

The plane landed and I said goodbye to the lady. It was pouring down with rain and it was dark. I sat on a bench, thinking. Thinking about Dean, Seth, Roman, Paige, WWE, family, and the lady from the plane.

I got a cab to a hotel, I was gonna stay there for a while. I turned my phone on when I got to my room, and saw that I had 43 voicemail messages. A couple from Roman, some from Paige, a lot from Seth, but none from Dean. Does he not care? I listened to one from Seth.

Aj, where are you? Dean has gone mad, and almost went to jail. If you get this, please call me. We're worried.

He almost went to jail? For what? I listened to the last one he sent me.

Aj, I'm seriously losing it. I can't control Dean, he is drinking way to much. "You fucking bastards! I could've dealt with him!" See what I mean? Please come back.. We need you.

I played it over and over, listening to Dean's angry, and drunk voice. I thought about our first date, and our first kiss, and soon started crying again. I hate this so much. I miss them so much!

I don't know what to do. I'm so confused! I dialed Dean's number.


Sorry guys for not updating. The power in my house went out for a day and it sucked, but I hope you liked the chapter.

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