Operation DeanLee

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Seth's Pov*

I am so excited on operation DeanLee. I have something planned tonight that I hope works. I got Paige and Roman to help out. I will get them together, if its the last thing I do!

Aj's Pov*

Seth was taking us to a bar tonight. Why? I don't know, but as long as there is something good to drink, I'll be fine. It was hard for us all to fit in one car. Seth is bringing Paige too.

We all pulled up. I could hear the music from outside. We walked in and sat down. We ordered shots and me and Paige hit the dance floor.

Dean's Pov*

"Ask her to dance." Seth said. "No."
"No, she probably doesn't like me." I said.

"Yes she does!" Roman chimed in. "Plus, I don't dance." I said. "So. Just do it!" Seth said. "No." I got up and got a beer. Aj walked over and sat on the stool next to me.

"We need a plan." I said. "What?" She asked. "Seth is getting on my tail about me and you. He keeps telling me to ask you to dance." I said. "Paige is doing the same thing to me." She said.

"It might be hard, but we need to not pay attention to each other tonight." I suggested. "Ok." She sighed. We continued doing our own thing.

Seth was pulling me over to Aj. I escaped to a corner.

Aj's Pov*

Seth was trying to pull Dean over to me, and Paige was trying to pull me to him. I saw Dean escape Seth. "Oh no! Looks like he's gone." I said sarcastically. "He was right there!" She got frustrated.

I was laughing on the inside. "Can't we just have fun tonight?" I asked. "We are having fun." She said. "Found him!" She shouted, pulling me towards him.

"Dean! Aj wants to dance with you." She said. Seth found us. Oh great, this worked out perfectly!

"Really, cause Dean wanted to dance with Aj." Seth said. "I really don't want to dance with Dean. And I know for a fact that Dean doesn't want to dance with me.... So lets just have a drink, and have some fun." I said.

After a while, we called a cab to the hotel. We all went in to put rooms. I kissed Dean before going to sleep in my little area. "Night." He said. "Night."

Seth's pov*

So, the first step didn't work. But the second step has to work. I know exactly how to do this right. I will get them together.

Morning came and I woke Paige up. We went into the kitchen and saw Dean and Aj talking. "Hey guys." I said. "Hi." Aj said. "Hey." Dean said.

"I'm taking you guys out to dinner and a movie tonight." I said.

Dean's Pov*

Oh great, another one of Seth's stupid plans. This is stupid. Why does Seth have to get us together. I don't want to tell him about me and Aj, because if I did, the whole world would know in two seconds!

What he doesn't know, is that me and Aj can play games too. What ever he has planned is not gonna succeed. As far as they know.......

Me and Aj hate each other.

Twisted (Dean Ambrose and Aj Lee)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora