Why Are We All Here?

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Aj's pov*

"What have I done?" I crawled over to Dean. "No, please don't die!" I said. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, is he ok?" The guy that ran him over asked. "Call an ambulance!" I said.

Soon, the ambulance came. They rolled him into the back. "Are you guys related?" Someone asked. "I'm his fiance." I lied. "Do you wanna come with him?" "Yeah." I hopped in the back with Dean.

"This is all my fault. I'm so sorry." I cried next to him.

Deans pov*

"Dean?.... Dean?.... Dean!" My eyes fluttered open. All I could see was a bright blurry light. "He's awake!" Someone shouted. I heard footsteps run in.

"Your gonna be ok." I recognized the voice instantly. "Aj." She grabbed my hand. "Where am I?" I asked. "Your in the hospital. You got ran over." She said, squeezing my hand.

"Why did you leave me?" "Lets not talk about this right now. Get some sleep." She said. "Ok." I fell asleep.

Paige's pov*

All day. All day, I have been out looking for Aj or Dean. I can't fin d either of them anywhere. I told Dean last night that I had to go to the bathroom, and he ditches me!

I called Seth. "Hello?" He answered. "Hey." I said. "Paige, your ok. Where are you and Dean?" He asked. "Seth, I can't find Dean anywhere! I'm starting to get worried. We came to New Jersey to find Aj, but now they are both gone."

"Crap!" He exclaimed. "Keep looking, I'm coming to New Jersey." "No Seth-." He hung up before I could finish. "Ugh!" I sighed, before I kept looking around.

Seth's pov*

You can't leave Dean by himself. He'll do something stupid, or run away. I feel bad about leaving Roman all alone, but it has to be this way. I grabbed a notepad and pen and began writing.

I finished and put it on the counter. I grabbed my stuff and left. I'm going to New Jersey.

Aj's pov*

I watched Dean sleep. He looked peaceful, and he had a small snore. I loved the feeling when I woke up next to him. I can't believe he came out here to find me.

He knows me so well, he knew where I would be. I realized a couple things when he got hit. One, he really will do anything to keep me safe, and two, I never should have quit on them.

I love them too much.

Roman's pov*

"Seth?" I said. "You got to be kidding me." I saw a note on the counter.

Hey buddy! Sorry that I have to leave you like this, but Dean went missing and Paige needs help finding him. So I'm going to New Jersey and you shouldn't come. Sorry- Seth

"Seriously? They want me to just stay here by myself?" I muttered to myself. I went into my room and packed my bag. I grabbed a notepad and pen and began.

Dear.... No one really,
I'm going to New Jersey to find my friends, and I don't even know why I'm writing this note. If the maid reads this, that please leave more than one mint on my pillow this time, I mean seriously! I work to hard to only get one lousy mint. You should leave me about 5 or 6, thanks. -Roman

I grabbed my bag and walked in the parking lot. "Damn you Seth. You stole my car." I said to myself. "I guess I'm walking."

Seth's pov*

It took a while but I made it to New Jersey and went to find Paige. She is probably staying at a hotel so I guess I'll just go to the nearest one.

I called a cab and went to a hotel nearby. "Have you ever seen this girl?" I asked the lady at the front desk, holding a picture of Paige up. "Yes she's in room 357." "Thanks."

I went up to her room and knocked on the door. It took a few seconds, but she opened it. "Hey!" She jumped into my arms. "Hey, lets go find them." I said. "I never get a break." She said as we went back down to the lobby.

Roman came bursting through the doors. "I told you not to come Roman!" I said. "I wasn't just gonna stay there by myself!" He argued. I sighed.

Dean's pov*

"Dean, your aloud to go home, but you need to rest." A doctor said. "Ok." I said before me and Aj left. "Your coming back to the hotel with me." She said.

I nodded as she helped me get around. She drove back to the hotel and we walked in. "Dean! Aj! What happened to you!" Seth shouted. "He got ran over." Aj said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"One question.... Why the fuck are we all here?"

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