Aj's Day

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Aj Lee's POV*

I was hanging around backstage with my friend Paige. Me and Paige were currently in a feud on tv, but off screen she's my bestie. I was about to face Brie in a couple minutes, so we went to catering. I had to do an interview first though.

"My guest at this time.. Aj Lee," Renee said as the crowd went mad, "Aj, what are your thoughts on this feud with Paige?"

"Renee, I have to say, Paige can wrestle, she isn't some Eva Marie or Summer Rae. I don't like how close she gets to winning this baby though," I said holding my belt up,

"But right now, its Brie I'm focused on."

"Thank you," she said as I left.

You can look but you can't touch.

Brie came out with Nikki. I didn't mind Nikki, but Brie was always kind of obnoxious. I walked up to the curtain and the guy played my music.

Let's light it up, light it up, light it up, light it tonight.

I skipped out and held my belt up. I continued skipping to the ring. I got in and held my belt up again. I set it down in my corner, and got ready.

Woah, tear the stars out from the sky!

Paige came out and mocked my skipping. She skipped over to the announcement table. She sat down and grabbed a headset. I focused back on Brie. "Looks like we have Paige joining us on commentary." Lawler said. "Hi guys." Paige said, putting her feet on the table.

The ref rang the bell. Me and Brie circled for a few seconds before locking up. She over powered me and pushed me back. I ran at her and kneed her in the mid section. She stumbled back into her corner and I picked her up by her hair. I tossed her across the ring and gave her multiple kicks.

"1,2,3,4" I stopped for a second. I got her in a corner and ran at her. She kicked me in the mouth. "Ouch, that one had to hurt." Paige said. "Paige, how are you feeling about 3 weeks from now, at TLC when you face the Divas Champion?" Jerry asked her.

"I'm gonna win. That is my title!" She said. Brie was taking control of me quickly. She was gonna hit me with a Bella Buster, but I countered it with The Black Widow. "Tap!" I screamed putting more pressure on her. I felt her hand on my leg and I let go.

"And your winner, The Divas Champion, Aj Lee!" Eden yelled. The ref held up my hand and I went after Paige. Paige took her headset off and put on JBL's hat. She his behind their chairs. I climbed over the table and attacked. "That's my belt!" I yelled and left.

"Good job Aj." Hunter said. "Whatever." I walked away. I hate the Authority. I walked into the diva's locker room and got changed. I went back to the hotel and watched a movie. After that I went to bed. Goodnight.

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