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Dean's Pov*

I woke up and Aj was in the bathroom. I got up and got dressed. I fixed my hair a little and walked out to the main room. Seth was sitting on the couch.

"Hey." He said. "Hey Seth." I said sitting next to him. "I saw you and Aj sleeping together." He laughed. "We didn't do anything Seth. We just laid there." I said. "Sure."

"I don't like her like that." I said.
"You do." He said.
"I don't."
"You do."
"I don't."
"You do!"
"I do!"

Wait what? "I knew it!" He said. I don't even know why I said that. Do I?

Aj's Pov*

I fixed myself up and walked out. I saw Seth and Dean arguing about something. I didn't care so I went up to Paige's room. "Hey Aj, I'm sorry about the thing with Seth." She said. "Its ok."

We talked a little bit. "So what's with you and Dean?" She asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "He likes you." She said. "No he doesn't." "Yes he does. Have you seen the way he looks at you, and how he acts around you?" She asked.

"Yeah, its called friendship." I said. "If you say so." She said. We all went to the arena. We got ready for TLC. I put my ring gear on, and I had my Divas Championship on my shoulder.

I sat by Dean and Roman in catering. Dean doesn't like you... Does he? That's all I could think about. Ever since Paige said that he did, it has made me wonder.

Dean's Pov*

All I could think about was my talk with Seth. I don't like Aj.... Do I? I'm never gonna live this down with Seth. I can't believe that Seth of all people, would know that I like someone, before I liked her.

I looked over at Aj. She was staring at me. She looked away when I looked at her.

Aj's POV*

The show started and me and Paige were starting off. The boys made me wear a shield shirt and black shorts.

Let's light it up, light it up, light it up, light it tonight.

I skipped down the ramp and got in the ring. I sat on the roles and waited.

Woah, tear the stars out from the sky!

Paige mocked me by skipping down. She got in the ring. "The following match is scheduled for one fall, and is for the WWE Divas Championship. Introducing first, the challenger, from Norwich England, Paige!" JoJo said as the crowd cheered.

"And next, the Divas Champion, representing the shield, from Union City New Jersey, Aj Lee!

The ref rang the bell. We circled and locked up. She shoved me back. I stared at her for a second. I jumped on her and banged her head on the mat. The ref got me off.

She got up and I hit her with a drop kick. She fell back to the mat. She got up and nailed me with a DDT. She put me in the PTO. I was near the ropes so I grabbed the bottom one.

While she was arguing with the ref, I went up behind her and put her in the black widow. She screamed in pain. "TAP!" I yelled. I felt her hand on my leg.

"And your winner, by submission, still your Divas Champion, Aj Lee!" JoJo yelled. I celebrated as the guys came down. They held me up on their shoulders. I raised my belt up as the crowd cheered.

We went backstage. "Good job Aj." Roman said. "Thanks guys." I said. I went to the divas locker room and put jeans on. I decided to keep the shield shirt on.

The night went on. Soon it was The Shield against Evolution. I heard Stephanie was gonna be out there so I decided to go too.


We walked down the stairs and to the ring. The fans were a little touchy, but I'll get used to it. They got in and I was at ringside. Evolution came down with Stephanie. Steph sat down and we watched.

Dean was starting against Batista. They locked up and Batista pushed Dean. Dean ran and clotheslined him. Dean put him in our corner. He stomped on him until the ref counted to 4. He tagged Seth, and he did the same. He tagged in Roman.

Roman got him up and punched him. Batista pushed back Roman and kicked him. He got to his corner and tagged Randy. Randy ran at Roman and they started going at it. I started clapping outside the ring as Roman took over.

Dean tagged and got Randy in a corner. He started punching and kicking him. The ref backed him up. Randy hit Dean with a DDT. Dean did a come back lariat.

"Come on Dean!" I said as he was making his way to a tag. Seth got in and Dean rolled out. "You ok?" I asked. "Yep." He said getting up. Seth did a moonsault on Randy. Soon enough, Triple H was tagged in. He was taking control of Seth.

Both men were down. Seth got Roman in. Batista were knocked outside the ring. Triple H got up and turned into a spear. Roman tagged Dean. Dean hit Dirty Deeds, and pinned him for the win. I turned to Stephanie.

"That's what I'm talking about!" I shouted. She got up. "Who do you think you are?" She asked. Before I could speak, she smacked me. I jumped on her and punched her.

Someone grabbed me. The Shield was holding me back and Evolution was holding her back. We both broke free and attacked each other. All the referees and superstars came to break it up as we went into the crowd. I ran her into a barricade. And everybody got in front of me.

Dean got really close. We were about an inch away from each other. "Don't do this." He said. I nodded. We went backstage and got changed. We went back to the hotel.

All I could think about, was how close I was to Dean. I don't know why. But it was.


In loving memory of Dusty Rhodes

We'll miss you!

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