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Aj's Pov*

I was about to walk out for a match with Nikki Bella, but I ran into someone. I swear if its Dean! I thought as I turned around. It was a big guy with tattoos and amazing hair. "Sorry." He said. "You don't have to be. I like your hair." I said smiling. He laughed. "Thanks."

"I'm Roman, by the way." He said. "I'm Aj, and I would love to talk more, but I have a match." I said. "I have a match to get ready for, so I gotta go too. I'll catch you later." He said walking off. "Bye." I said, walking to the curtain.

As my music played, I did my normal skip to the ring. I got in and waited for her.

You can look, but you can't touch.

Nikki and Brie trotted their way down. Nikki got in and Brie stayed at ringside. The ref rang the bell, and we circled. She took power, and shoved me in a corner. She was gonna kick me, but I moved.

I ran up from behind her, and kneed her in the back. She fell to her knees and rolled out of the ring. When she got back in, I ran at her. She moved and sent me over the top rope. She slammed my head on the announcement table, the ran me into steel steps.

"Aj is getting dismantled out here!" Jerry said. Nikki was about to ram me into the barricade, but I reversed it, and ran her into it. I got back in the ring, as the count hit 9. Nikki was about to get in, but the ref hit 10 before she could.

"And your winner, by count out, Aj Lee!" Eden shouted. The ref raised my hand in victory, and I got my belt. I raised it up before leaving. I walked backstage, and once again ran into someone. I have bad karma! "Oh, Hi Aj, that was a nice victory out there." Stephanie McMahon said.

"Thanks." I muttered. "Do you have a problem with us?" She asked. "Yes, in fact, I do have a problem with you." I said. "What is that problem?" She asked. "I hate the way you treat superstars and divas, you don't treat the people that can do their jobs, like you should treat them." And with that, I stormed off.

I changed into jeans, and a t-shirt, and put all my stuff in my bag. I sat it down and went out to catering. I sat down with Paige and we ate. A match came on, and 3 guys came from the crowd with skull masks on. They got in the ring and took off their masks.
I saw Roman, Dean, and Seth. Its weird that Roman was completely different from Dean and Seth. Dean grabbed a mic and started. "Evolution, you messed with the wrong guys. You fool around with the devil, you go to hell!" He shouted, and passed the mic to Roman. "And if you got a problem with us, then come and let us solve it. Believe that, Believe in the shield!"

The Usos came down as Dean got out of the ring. He went over to the announcement table and put on a headset. "I guess we're having a guest on commentary." Jbl said. Seth started against Jey. "Dean, how do you feel about TLC this Sunday?" Michael asked.

"You see, I've got a lot on my mind. Evolution, TLC, the guys, and I got a little tick in my neck." He said, as Seth took control. He stomped on Jey in the corner. "That is why Seth is awesome!" Dean exclaimed, as Seth did a moonsault from the top rope.

"You seem to have a good relationship with Seth and Roman." Cole said. "They're my brothers!" Dean said. Seth tagged Roman in. Roman kicked Jey, and hit him with a Samoan Drop. Seth took out Jimmy as Roman hit Jey with a spear.

He pinned him and they got the win. Dean got up and went in the ring. They all came backstage and went into catering. I rolled my eyes at them. Next, Stephanie went out there. She said she had something to say to the shield.

"I would like the shield to come out please." She said. The boys got up and went to the stairs. They came down and got in the ring. "What do you want Stephanie?" Seth asked. "I'm introducing you guys to your new member." She said. I feel bad for whoever it is. "New member?!" Dean asked crazily. "She is the divas Champion." As Stephanie said that, I got up, and I was pissed. "Aj Lee!" She shouted. I stormed out there without music. I grabbed a mic and got in.

"I'm not joining them!" I shouted. "Yes you are. You think it's ok to yell at me like you did earlier tonight, without a consequence?" She said. I snapped. I jumped on her and attacked. Someone pulled me off of her. I turned around to see Roman. "Don't do this." He said. I turned back around and grabbed a mic. "No." I said. I was about to leave the ring, but Hunter came out. "You are joining the shield whether you like it or not." He shouted.

"No I'm not." I stated. "If you don't, you lose your title, and your job!" He threatened. I looked down at my belt and back at him. "I hate you........ Fine." I muttered. "Sorry, what did you say?" He asked. "Fine." I said a little louder. "Still can't hear you." He said. "I said FINE!" I shouted.

I walked out of the ring and went backstage. "You ok?" Paige asked. "No! I have to join them! I can't do anything about it!" I shouted. I went to the locker room and grabbed my bag. I went outside and walked towards my car. I was stopped by Roman. "Hey, I'm sorry about this whole thing, trust me, we hate it too." He said.

"I don't do the whole group thing. Especially with 2 complete jerks. "What?" He asked. "Seth and Dean, mostly Dean. I accidentally ran into Dean. I said sorry, and he yelled watch it. I was at the bar with my friend Paige, and he ran into me on purpose. He yelled watch it again and Seth was cracking up. I hate them!"

"They always do that to people. You just need to get to know them better." He said. "Whatever." I muttered walking to my car.

I'm so in for it.

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