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Aj's pov*

We all sat in The Shield's locker room. This is it, the night you beat Stephanie. "You ready for tonight?" Roman asked me. "Yeah." I said. "Good, you better be."

I put on my Shield shirt, along with black and blue jeans, and black converse. "Hey." Dean said. "Hi." I smiled up at him. "You nervous?" He asked.

"A little, but its nothing I can't handle." I said. "You better beat her ass." He kissed me and started punching the air. "Good luck with punk." I told him, before walking to catering.

"Hello Aj." I turned to see Punk standing there. I turned back and started walking again. He grabbed my arm. "What's your problem Punk?"

"You." He said. "Huh?" I asked. "Your my problem! Your with the wrong people. You think Dean will propose, or be the father of your children? He doesn't even care about you. He doesn't love you." He said.

"Go away." I got my arm free and walked away. God I hate you Punk. I sat down as Wrestlemania started. There was an Andre The Giant memorial, which Big Show won.

Then it was Seth vs Kane. The two went at it for a while. Seth got choke slammed and Kane went for the cover. Seth was able to get his shoulder up though.

Seth gave Kane a DDT, before hitting this awesome move he likes to call the 'Phoenix Splash'. Matches kept on coming on, and it was soon time for Dean's match.

"Good luck." I kissed him quickly before The Shields music hit and he walked out into the St. Jose crowd. I went to a nearby tv.

Look in my eyes! What do you see?

Cm Punk walked out, surprisingly alone. He made his entrance and got in the ring. The ref rang the bell and Dean flung himself at Punk.

He trapped him in a corner and punched him until the ref backed him up. Dean went towards him with a knee, but Punk moved from the corner. They exchanged punches and Punk took over.

Punks words ran through my head a bunch of times. I don't know why it bothered me so much, I know its not true.

Punk through Dean into the ropes, but Dean did a comeback lariat. "Yes." I muttered to myself. Dean took over easily. He punched and kicked at him as Punk tried blocking.

He went for Dirty Deeds, but Punk got out and set him up for the GTS. Dean struggled, but Punk was able to hit it. "No!" I exclamied, causing people to look at me.

He covered Dean, but he got his shoulder up at 2. Punk threw Dean out of the ring and they went to the announce tables. Punk hit him with another GTS, but this time, he went through the Spanish announce table.

He tried rolling Dean back into the ring to cover him, but Dean made himself limp so it was harder to move him. They both got in the ring and Dean got up.

Punk ran at him, only to get a Dirty Deeds. Dean picked him up and gave him another. He pinned him. 1..2.. Punks shoulder flew up. Dean looked at him in anger and frustration.

He rolled out of the ring and paced back and forth. When he rolled back in, Punk had stood up and the two stared at each other. Punk stepped right in front of him and punched him.

Dean stumbled into the ropes and started laughing. He punched himself and Punk hit him again. Dean's smile disappeared.

He punched Punk over and over until the two were in a corner. The ref tried holding Dean back as Punk said something to him, that really ticked him off.

"Don't disqualify yourself Dean." I said. Dean backed up and Punk hit him with another GTS. He pinned him. 1..2.. Dean kicked out. "What?!" Punk exclaimed.

He got up in the refs face and yelled at him. Dean recovered while they argued. He got up slowly and took the opportunity to get Punk.

He got him with Dirty Deeds and covered him. 1..2..3! "Yes!" I shouted as I ran to the curtain. I ran down the ramp and jumped into his arms.

"I love you." I told him. "Love you too." He kissed me softly. The crowed awed and we went backstage. "So we got 3 wins tonight. We just need one more Roman said."

Seth beat Kane, Roman beat Triple H, Dean beat Punk, now it's up to me to beat Stephanie.

I'm ready for this. I warmed up and headed to the curtain. I took a deep breath as Stephanie walked up beside me. "Good luck." She said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes as her music played. She walked out in her ridiculous outfit and made her entrance. "Play it." I told a producer.

Lets light it up!
Light it up
Light it up
Light it tonight!

I skipped out onto the huge stage. I smiled at the environment and held my title up. I skipped down to the ring, tagging a couple fans hands.

I got up on the apron and got in. I sat on the ropes and put my title in a corner. The ref rang the bell and I stood up. Me and Stephanie stared at each other for a couple seconds.

She stepped foward and smacked me. I stumbled back and smiled at her. She tilted her head at me. I ran forward and shoved her down, I went down with her as I slammed her head on the mat.

She was able to roll out of the ring. I leaned against the ropes. "Come on Steph!" I yelled. "Keep her back." She said to the ref. I stepped back with my hands up in mock surrender.

She slid back in and went straight after me. She punched and kicked me in the corner until the ref backed her up. I took the opportunity and kicked her in the knee.

He doesn't love you. Your with the wrong people.

It all ran through my head as Stephanie took my distraction and went after me, causing her to take full control. She rammed me against the steel post, shoulder first.

What family?

She threw me into the steel steps and rolled me back in the ring. She went for the cover. 1..2.. I kicked out.

Your dads not here and your moms a psycho bitch.

I had a fire within me. I got to my feet and went to attack Stephanie. I kneed her in the face a couple times before doing a Shining Wizard on her.

I went for the pin, but she kicked out at 2. I got her up and almost put her in the Black Widow, but she didn't let me. She grabbed me and did a Pedigree. I was barely conscious as she fell into the pin.

1..2. My shoulder came flying up. She looked at me in shock. She argued with the ref, allowing me to recover. I used the ropes to help me up. She turned around and got a Dirty Deeds. Instead of going for the pin, I locked her in the Black Widow.

He doesn't even care about you.

"TAP!" I shouted. Stephanie screamed in pain. "Noo!" She screamed. "Just Give Up!" I yelled. She was starting to fade. I let go and gave her a Curb Stomp.

I fell into the cover. 1..2..3! I sat up in a corner when it hit me. I just beat my boss. Dean, Roman, and Seth ran out. They held me up on their shoulders and I smiled at them.

"You did it!"

Hi guys! Sorry it took so long, but this is officially the longest chapter I have ever written through out all my books and im happy about that:) Hope y'all enjoyed!

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