S5 Chapter 25

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Seeing the dimly lit house in front of her, Amari stared at the small windows before a sudden breeze flew past her, causing that girl to bundle herself up in her own jacket roughly.

Even from just a couple feet away she could make out the vague silhouettes of her parents as they eat dinner together, unknowing of the horrors that would await them soon, and the terrible news they would receive about her death.

She pictured her mother raising a hand to her mouth holding in her sobs as her father silently cried next to her once they found out about the loss of their only daughter. The one they kept so close, the one that they had kept unsaid hope for years, they would have to live throughout that level of devastation.

Amari hated the fact that on some level that they probably had already prepared for her death since she was a child. With her crumbling health, she already knew from past experiences that her mother had on some level already thought out the possibility of a relapse or deterioration, and that made her actions hurt that much worse.

Because Bakugo didn't want her parents to worry, she didn't want them to cry in a separate room as they sometimes did when she was a kid. But now it seemed like that reality was inevitable. No matter what they would have to grieve their daughter.

And standing outside her family house, Amari sighed before thinking about the idea of running in and hiding in her mothers arms, apologizing for their suffering and wishing them a final goodbye.

Although it may have been a selfish thought as Bakugo knew she didn't have the strength for that, fully knowing that if she set foot in that house then the warmth would fully swallow her up, causing her to never leave. She didn't want to leave.

Amari knew that one look from her parents would turn her into a crumbling mess. The girl was already barely holding it together as it was and she didn't trust herself to be that strong.

For that reason, the girl shoved her hands in the pockets before lowering her eyes towards the street silently, thinking about the words her family would never hear out loud. I'm sorry Mom and Dad. You did the best you could with someone like me. I love you and I'm sorry for causing more of your tears but I have to do this. I hope you understand.

Bakugo then pulled out a stack of letters from her pocket before looking at the names on the surfaces. They had been sitting in her drawer for months and it seemed it was finally time. She'd have to head to the post office before everything. It's the least they deserved.

Feeling tears beginning to line her eyes, Amari turned away from her comfort before pulling out Hawks' stolen phone looking at the surface.

She felt bad for screwing him over but the girl couldn't have him ruining this. He was one of the only people who knew about her intentions about trading herself for Todoroki, Dabi's true identity along with Sir Nigtheye's prediction and although Hawks was her friend, Amari knew she couldn't get him involved with this.

Raising her head to her sky, Amari thought about her words to Dabi in that bar. She silently hoped that Endeavor would confine in Hawks about her death, causing him to bring up the seed that she had purposely planted about Toya. Then maybe they could search the boy out together. She hoped so.

Bakugo then clutched her phone in her hands before dialing a very important number, putting the receiver up to her ear in the process with a serious expression

Don't worry Shoto. I'm coming back to you, just like I always promised I would.


Todoroki felt himself being manhandled by two men before being forced down in a white chair as he tried to refocus his eyes. In just the last few hours the boy had gone through three rounds of training and his quirk over usage was really pushing him to his limits.

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