S3 Chapter 5

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 The air was unnaturally thick around the area as Amari gazed at her brother with utter horror and fear. The one thing she didn't want him to know, the very secret she was trying to keep, it was somehow all ruined in a blink of an eye. He knew everything now. There was no going back.

Feeling her own voice shake, the girl knew she had to say something, anything that would make him understand. "Katsuki, I can explain..."

With his fists balled to the side, Bakugo was still in utter shock, her words sparking something inside of him. It had to be a joke, it just had to be. She was healthy. "Damn right, you better fucking explain.."

The heat in his stomach was unchangeable as she remained silent. What could she even say? What could she tell him that wasn't a flat out lie? For the first time in her life, Amari was at a loss of words.

Although Bakugo certainly wasn't, taking a step closer. He was being scarily calm though for some reason. "Say it's a joke, say it's a fucking joke right now.."

She really wished she could but the one thing Amari could never do is lie to him, letting her hands fall in despair. "Katsuki, let's just calm down and..."

Yet before she could finish, Bakugo threw an explosion next to her foot, causing her to jump back, now slightly scared of her brother. "Calm down?! Don't fucking tell me to calm down Amari! Tell me the truth already goddamn it! You were joking, right?"

He waited for her to laugh, to tell him that this was all an elaborate prank so they could then go on with their lives normally, but that never came, all he got was a shattering reality as she spoke. "You weren't supposed to find out."

His sisters words crashed into him all at once, now fully realizing what she meant. All of talk about her pills, her lifespan and her struggles, they were all real? And the worst part of it was that she was hiding it from him all this time.

Suddenly, his devastation turned into a hot fiery rage. It was more intense than anything else he had ever experienced before, his head reeling in a hundred different directions as tears started to rise to the surface.

His voice cracked on every word, hurt and betrayed by her all at once. "No, no you're lying. You're lying to me right now! God fucking damn it Amari, say that you're lying!"

Although the only thing he got in response was his sister's teary response, choking on her words. "I'm sorry Katsuki.."

Sorry? Was that all she had to say, for lying and hiding this from him? Bakugo was furious. "And what? You weren't ever going to tell me? You thought you could come into my life and then fucking die without saying anything?! Are you fucking serious right now?"

Balling her hand into a fist, Amari closing her eyes in pain before answering back, sharply. "You've lived almost your entire life without me Katsuki. I figured that not much would change.."

Although Bakugo was livid with her response, feeling a pang of shame in his throat. "Are you shitting me? Not much would change?! God, your brain is so fucked up Amari. Do you really think I wouldn't care about you dying?!

Then he noticed Todoroki in the corner who wasn't reacting to the news at all. That could only mean one thing. This bastard knew. "And you icyhot, you knew about all of this the entire time, didn't you?"

Todoroki opened his mouth only for Amari to put a hand up, blocking him from her brothers advances. He could say whatever he wanted about her but she wasn't about to let Katuski disrespect him. "Stop it Katsuki. Leave Shoto out of this."

The words seemed funny to him, shaking his head in disbelief. "How can I when that bastard knew you were destroying yourself the entire damn time and didn't even say anything!"

His Reasons (Todoroki X OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ