S5 Chapter 15

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The day of the press conference was widely spoken about around the community and everyone was eager to talk about various crucial events from the past couple days.

Even the president of the commission was going to come out in order to address the recent disappearances that have littered everyone's mind's lately. It was an incredibly sought out day, with hundreds of reporters and journalists circling the scene already.

It was something Amari was not looking forward to, now entering the common area of the dorms quietly in order to grab a quick snack before she left. Being a part of the press conference had led her to get up earlier than usual and the girl was beginning to feel it, now yawning in the process.

There were so many thoughts swirling around in her mind that Bakugo couldn't help but stew about all of them, knowing what kind of day was ahead of her already. It was going to be interesting, that was for sure.

Although she was quickly stopped by a very familiar voice to her left. It was rough and short, causing her to jump almost immediately at the noise. "Oi, stupid, did you hear me?"

The girl held her heart in panic before quickly turning to find her brother staring at her, his hands buried in his pockets and a large duffle bag around the center. "Oh, Hey Katsuki. Sorry I guess I was just spacing out a little bit."

Oh, that's right, he still had his provisional license training going on. That meant that Todoroki would be here soon as well. Ah crap, now she really wanted to see him.

At the thought, Amari couldn't help but look over her shoulder, causing Katsuki to slap her upside the head, immediately knowing where her attention was. "Would you stop looking like a lost puppy, icy hot isn't even here yet. I swear, you two are so freaking annoying."

A light red started to fill her cheeks as the girl immediately pushed his hand away, pouting her cheeks in a huff. "Whaa come on, I wasn't looking for him..."

Yet the boy knew better, already crossing his arms over his chest so that she couldn't reach them. "Bullshit, I know how you both are. I swear, whenever someone even mentions your name anymore, that half hot half cold bastard immediately starts looking around. It's ridiculous."

His explanation about Todoroki couldn't help but bring a look of surprise on his face, not knowing how often the boy actually did that. Perhaps they were kinda the same after all. "Wait, really?"

Nodding back, Katsuki could only scoff. "Yeah, and now I gotta deal with both of you on a regular basis so cut the crap already. You're gonna make me sick."

Her brother's words were rough but Amari couldn't hold back a chuckle, teasing her brother by poking him in the stomach. "Ah come on Katsuki, the future number one hero can't even handle a little flirting? Don't worry, someday you'll find someone that can handle your angry Pomeranian energy..."

At that, she watched Katsuki's face turn into one of absolute rage, his iris's shining with pure annoyance. "Ha?! What the hell did you just say..you better rethink those words, you brat!"

Immediately widening her eyes, Amari began to turn on her heel before sticking her tongue out to her brother roughly. "Sorry, that's not my style.."

Her brother then balled his hands into hard fists before chasing around his sister around the common area, his palms threatening explosions. "I swear, when I get my hands on you..!"

Amari couldn't help but smirk though, dodging his glowing hands with amusement. "Come on, Kacchan, is that the best you got?"

Ticking his brow in fury, the boy growled and threw down another hand causing Amari to squeak in response, just barely missing his attack as he smirked "Oh, now you're dead.."

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