S5 Chapter 16

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The next day went about just about the way Amari had imagined it would. You see, speaking your mind on public television wasn't something many people dared to do and therefore her words were now the talk of the city. So much for blending in and getting away from reporters, right?

The girl's speech was certainly bold but she supposed that's why people called her confession girl in the first place. Looks like she'd never outlive that nickname, lucky her.

It seems the reactions were split down the middle as well, some calling her foolish and naive while others admired the guts she showed. Although, it wasn't as if she really cared about any of that. Amari was just happy that these issues were finally being talked about, even if she had to paint a target on her back for it.

She supposed if anyone had to do it, then it would be the girl with the possibility of no future. If she looked at it that way, she was glad for speaking her mind. Now maybe others will at least start to rethink their mindsets on lesser heroes and the quirkless.

Walking down the hallways to get to class, Amari didn't really mind the staring or the mummers anymore, knowing the cause of them immediately. Of course people were going to talk, she had just disrupted that perfect idealistic hero viewpoint after all.

It was certainly a change from a couple months ago when they were harassing her for being a villain after her fight with All for One. Now, she didn't necessarily care about the rumors. Perhaps they would invoke a change as well.

Moving with Todoroki and Bakugo at her side, the girl looked down at the floor as her brother grumbled under his breath, obviously noticing the stares as well. "These extras are getting on my nerves. If they wanna stare so much then they should just take a damn photo."

Amari twisted her brow in an understanding smirk before replying. "I'm sorry Katsuki, it's all because of me and my big mouth again. I guess you shouldn't be surprised at this point though."

The boy then grumbled once more before Todoroki turned his head to the side, now using his body to block her from the view of a couple wandering eyes. "I really wish they would learn to stop doing this though. You had every right to speak your mind at that conference."

Softening her eyes at his words, the girl gave his hand a small squeeze before sighing. "Yeah well, not everyone feels that way. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before that president tries to kick me out of U.A."

Katsuki couldn't help but step back at her words, a fire in his eyes as he lifted up his hands to prove a point. "Oh hell no they aren't. You worked too hard to be in this damn school. No one is going to take that away from you. Over my dead body."

The girl couldn't help but chuckle at his extra behavior, already pushing his hands down to quell the fight in him. "Oh please, like I'll let that happen. That lady can try all she wants but she's not going to scare me. Besides, I've faced worse than an old lady with a stuck up attitude."

There was a sense of dark imagery behind her words, the two boys already knowing this poor girl had been to hell in back several times. In the way, she was right. Amari had faced far worse than her, although they didn't mean it would be easy to drive her away.

But just as Bakugo thought that, he watched as Todoroki twisted into an unreadable frown. Funny, they must have been thinking the same thing. "I just wish you didn't have to deal with so much. You deserve a break."

Although to that, Amari only glanced to the floor, a wishful yet devastating look in her eyes, the girl already knowing about the tragedy of her own future. "Yeah, I wish I could get that also.."

Yet before the boys could question those words, the blonde haired girl slapped both sides of her face before switching to a wide grin. "Ah well, no use being all depressed about it! I mean, things may be rough but I have you two. That's all I really need."

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