S3 Chapter 7

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    The first thing Bakugo heard was the small single sound of a machine beeping. It kept a steady rhythm, slowly easing the boy out of his own groggy state. His head felt like he'd just been hit by a giant boulder, not remembering where he even was.

    Placing a hand to the area in question, he then heard a voice to his left. It sounded like they were underwater and muffled but he was able to make out the words. "Kacchan! You're awake! Thank goodness.."

    He groaned back, now recognizing that annoying voice almost instantly. It was that damn Deku. "Shut up Deku."

    Although his friend couldn't help but smile at that, now knowing everything was okay with him. "Yeah, he's back to normal.

    Trying to sit up, Katsuki tried to remember what happened but drew a blank. Weren't they supposed to be at the training camp? "Where the hell am I?"

    Deku paused for a moment before another voice answered, Bakugo just realizing that he wasn't the only one in the room. "Why, you're in the hospital. You were brought here after you passed out.."

    Narrowing his eyes in confusion, Bakugo froze when she realized who exactly was speaking. It was All Might. Why the hell was he even here? "What..."

    Just then, like a flash of lighting, everything started to come rushing back to the boy, now grasping onto the mattress in anxiety. "Wait, the attack...."

    Deku noticed his breathing grow more rapid and confused, now trying to settle his friend quickly. "Take it easy Kacchan, you just woke up. You really need to rest more..."

    Although, the boy wasn't having it, now noticing something missing, or rather someone. He didn't really care about the condition of most of his classmates but her, he cared about her. "Wait, where is that brat?"

    The question seemed to bring an uneasiness in the room, All Might, now taking a cautious step closer to the boy. "Don't worry about that right now young Bakugo, what matters is your recovery."

    Yet Bakugo was already distracted, trying to remember his sister in the fight but drawing a blank. Then he realized, hadn't seen her since their last argument. "Don't tell me what god damn matters and what doesn't. I swear, if that brat used her quirk again I'm going to kill her myself. Where is she?"

    Deku remained silent at the question, just trying to brush it away and change the subject. No, he couldn't know yet. "You know, everyone was really worried about you Kacchan."

    Katsuki wasn't having though, noticing the clear disregard to his question, not once but twice. It was making him uneasy. "If they really thought something that small would bring me down then they really are dumbasses. Screw them, now, do you want to tell me why you two are avoiding my damn question? Where is my idiot sister?"

    All Might and Deku looked between each other silently, causing the boy to grow even more uneasy. Why weren't they saying anything? What the hell happened?!

    Then, giving up on the two  Bakugo decided to find out for himself, now struggling to climb out of bed. He had to know if she did something stupid or not. In fact, he didn't see her the entire fight. "Forget it, I'll go kick her ass myself."

    Deku's eyes widened at that, rolling his wheelchair over before trying to stop his friend. "Kacchan wait, you shouldn't be out of bed yet.."

    Even All Might started to grow nervous, reaching up the touching the boys shoulders lightly. "Young Midoriya is right, there is no need to get up."

    Although Katsuki was determined, throwing the number one hero's arm off of him roughly. "Shut up. I'm not going to just sit here like some loser. I have to go."

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