S2 Chapter 7

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Because of Amari's new found realization, she found it hard to focus during the second event, her mind still clouded with the terrible truth. Because of that she barely scraped by in the cavalry battle, making it to the next round. What the hell was wrong with her? She needed to straighten up, and quickly.

Katsuki seemed to notice this also and stomped up to her in anger. She clearly wasn't trying her best in that last round. "Hey brat, what is wrong with you? I told you not to embarrass me, didn't I?"

She looked over to the crowds at these words, putting her head down in shame. He was right, she was being disgraceful. "I know, I'm sorry Katsuki."

He took in her sullen expression and a wave of dread overtook him. That terrible USJ memory flashed back and Katsuki was afraid that she pushed herself again. "Ah hell, wait you aren't sick are you?"

Amari turned her brow in confusion only to have him grab her roughly, already trying to push her off the field. "You are withdrawing, now."

Her eyes widened at this, knowing he clearly wasn't understanding. "Wait, hold on. I'm fine. Stop overreacting. It isn't about that."

Bakugo stopped then, still unsure about her words. She wasn't lying to him just to keep going, right? That sounded like something he would do.

But Amari made his decision for him, wiggling out of her brothers grip and turning back towards her classmates.

Before she left though, Bakugo could hear her voice echo through him, determined but sad. "I'm sorry. I'll try harder."

Todoroki watched her movements from afar and couldn't help but feel partly responsible for her poor performance. She must have really been affected by his past and it was somehow getting to her. He knew it had to apologize to her the next time they spoke.


The third round started and everyone was surprised to learn that the last event would be duel matches. Amari kinda figured she would have to do that at some point. Just straight hand to quirk combat. It would be difficult but she also knew that she couldn't disgrace herself any further, especially in front of her brother.

A voice sounded above the crowd then, Present Mic speaking louder than ever. "Alright! The first round will be between Shinso Hitoshi and Bakugo Amari. Everyone, get to your places!"

Amari's eyes dropped at her name, now knowing who she would be fighting. That purple haired weirdo was going to regret ever underestimating her.

She knew she would have to forget everything about her and Todoroki for now in order to focus on what was actually important, beating him.

Moving towards the center, she saw him scan his competition before turning away. "Did you finally pull yourself together? It's not too late to run away."

Just eyeing him with disgust, she flipped her hair over her shoulder before scoffing. "I think that's my line. You really want to be beat by a shorty like me in front of the entire country?"

But Shinso just found her words funny. "Just watch, I'm going to take that hero spot right from under your nose."

Amari rolled her eyes in response as they moved to the opposite sides of the ring, Present Mics voice returning. "Alright, the rules are simple. All you have to do is either force your opponent out of bounds or cause them to give up."

Baukgo overlooked the match from his seat and couldn't help but smirk and Present Mics words. Amari giving up? Yeah right, like that would ever happen. Shinso would have his work cut out for him if that was the case.

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