S2 Chapter 18

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 Humming happily through the mall, Amari was on her way towards the pretzel stand when she couldn't help but think about the words her brother had said to her a couple moments before.

It honestly felt like a dream, one she very clearly didn't want to wake up from. Katsuki Bakugo wasn't ashamed of her anymore. Somewhere down the road she finally became strong enough for him. It was the best feeling ever.

Taking a quick right, she paused when Amari caught the glimpse of a very familiar splotch of green and stopped. It was Deku. What was he doing at the mall today?

He seemed to be sitting down next to a nearby fountain, away from everyone else. Maybe he was thinking about something really important or something. It was kinda strange.

Amari then quickly gave up on her dreams of a giant pretzel for now and found herself moving over to him instead.

Putting her hand up, she smiled at the boy, gaining his attention. "Hey, Midoriya. Nice to see you here. What are you doing here?"

Deku head sprung to life at her voice, jumping slightly from surprise. "Oh! Uhh hey Amari-chan! It's nice to see you to. I'm just starting to think about the things we need to bring for the upcoming training camp. Don't want to forget anything."

She nodded her head, pointing to the upper level where she once was. "Did you come with the rest of the class by any chance?"

He replied shortly. "Yeah, how did you know?"

Crossing her arms around her body, Amari answered. "Oh well, I just saw them actually. Katsuki is with them right now. We'd thought we would join you, if that's alright? I don't want to intrude."

Although Deku was more then happy with the idea. "Oh yeah, sure. I was just thinking about some things. I'll join you all soon."

His words seemed odd, especially to Amari. He seemed bothered by something.

Moving towards him, she sat herself down before answering. "Hey, are you okay? If you need someone to talk to, I'm here to listen."

Deku's eyes fell, thinking that her offer was sweet but knew that there was no way he could talk to her about these things. The words between All Might and him were secret, and he didn't want to break that trust. "Thanks, but I'm okay, really. I guess I was just thinking about happened back in Hosu."

At the name, Amari's eyes turned into an unreadable emotion. "Oh, I uhh, actually wanted to talk to you about that. I just couldn't find the right moment yet."

Deku turned his head to hers at that, taking in her confliction. Suddenly his mind flashed back to her shaking in fear at the hospital. He always wondered what that was. "I'm listening now."

Smiling to herself, Amari thought for a moment before taking a large breath. "You're close to All Might, right?"

At the accusation, Deku's whole entire body grew numb, so much so his voice began to shake. "W-What? I don't know what you're talking about. He's just our teacher, and someone I look up to a whole lot. It's not like I have a special relationship or anything.."

His rambling made her laugh, slightly thinking that they shared similar traits. "You don't have to say anything, I know you are something special to him. I'm not really sure why but I know it's none of my business. That's not why I was asking..."

The explanation made him relax a bit, now knowing she wasn't going to grill him about his quirk or something. "Why do you want to know about that then?"

Amari took another moment of silence before speaking, low and small. "When I was taken away by the Hero Killer, he said something to me, something I don't really understand. I was hoping you could tell All Might about it, just in case it's important."

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