S3 Chapter 8

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Amari watched the Nomu's approach as she opened the box of pills with her tied hands before dumping a couple on the floor. Then, she turned around sharply and picked up the objects, emptying them into her mouth in a single motion. This was it, she had to give it her everything if she wanted to survive this.

Her chest started to burn slightly at the familiar sensation, causing her wrist to light up in a gold shimmer, burning the ropes off her her hands and freeing her from her prison.

Standing up slightly, Amari surveyed the monsters that were only a couple feet away and began to think of a plan. Her pills had a limit so she needed to get this done quickly if she didn't want to die.

Then, balling her hands to her sides, she thought of the ones waiting for her. Todoroki, her class friends, her parents and even her brother. She needed to get through this, for them. Regardless of how Katsuki felt about her now, Amari knew she had to survive.

She narrowed her eyes in determination before setting off, racing towards the Nomu with her hands raised and fire in her chest. It was all or nothing now.

One of the Nomu swung its fist down but Amari was able to slide under his arm easily, dodging the attack completely and aiming for the monster beside her.

Letting her hands glow with warmth, she then slammed her hand into its chest, causing the area to sizzle and burn around him.

The monster let out a loud, inhuman scream before grabbing the girl by her injured shoulder and throwing her across the room, hitting the floor in a heavy thud.

Hissing at the content, Amari clutched her shoulder and ignored the pain in her chest before standing back up and trying again.

She couldn't defeat them in groups, somehow she knew she had to seperate them into one on one fights.

So this time, instead of repeating her last attack, she raced forward and lifted her hand out, creating three gold circles on the floor around each of the creatures.

Then, one by one, the domes raised to cover the Nomu, burning their skin as it made contact with her gold matter.

As it held them in place, Amari got to work on the others, now turning around and speaking mostly to herself. "Now, it's just you and me. Come at me with all you have!"

The Nomu screamed at that, racing towards her all at once only for the girl to jump up in the air, explosions at the ready. She quickly thought of Katsuki, and the lessons he taught her over the last couple days.

Feeling her palms spark to life, Amari let off a small explosion, distracting the Nomu and having them become disoriented for a moment. Good, it was working.

Then before they could process the attack, she outstretched her hand again, this time landing on the Nomu's back and slamming her hand into the surface roughly.

The monster screamed as Amari's hand shimmered, burning its back all at once and creating a large, gapping the bleeding mark in the spot.

Another started to swing but she was too quick, jumping from the first monster onto the next as its claws dug deep into its colleague. It cried out in pain at that before slumping to the ground in a heavy thud.

Amari looked at the wreckage and smiled. That was it. Maybe she couldn't take all of these things down but she could have them take themselves down. As far as she knew, the Nomu weren't very smart in terms of intelligence, just mindless monsters. She could use that.

After seeing that, the girl got to work, jumping from one Nomu to the next, burning its skin on various different spots so that the others would blindly attack them.

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