S3 Chapter 18

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 Walking hand and hand down the street, Todoroki and Amari hummed as they took in the time they had missed. In all honesty it had only been a couple days but somehow their separation felt like years. She supposed that just showed how much they meant to each other now. It was impossible to go back.

It was getting late which meant it was almost time to retreat back to the dorms, although Amari withered at the thought. Soon she'd have to be in the midst of those rumors again, hearing them say such horrible things about Todoroki and her brother. She wasn't sure if she was ready to hear that again.

He noticed her tensed hand right away though, now leaning forward in concern. "Amari, what is it? Is something wrong?"

Shaking her head, the girl replied. "No, I'm okay. Sorry, I guess I'm just thinking about what we'll have to face at school together. The whole world saw my confession again so I can't wait to see what they say this time. I swear, just when I think I couldn't embarrass myself more..."

She groaned just thinking about it, causing Todoroki to tighten his grip. "Regardless of what they decide to say, I'll be right there next to you. I promise to never leave you again."

Amari smiled to herself at that, the heat rising in her cheeks as another question appeared in his head. "Speaking of that, what happened that day before class? I wanted to go to you but since we weren't together, I couldn't. Is everything alright?"

She remembered the day very clearly, her threatening that student along with her talk with Katsuki. The thought made her smile to herself. "Oh, it wasn't anything big. I just freaked out because someone tried to say something about Katsuki and I thought I'd have to distance myself from him as well. My heart couldn't take it. But it's okay because he and I talked and I think we understand each other a bit more now."

This made the boy fairly curious. "Really, what did you talk about?"

Shaking her head once, Amari replied. "He told me he loved me. It turns out Katsuki never hated me all this time. Just hearing him say that lifted so much weight off my shoulders. Now I feel like I can do anything, like crash an engagement party for example."

He winked at her joke and Todoroki couldn't help but smile. He was so happy to learn that Bakugo was finally opening up to her. "Well, I'm glad you did, and that's great. I'm happy for you Amari. It seems your family is mending back together."

Thinking about his words, Amari smiled. "Yeah, I guess it is."

Todoroki looked down at his hands, now sighing in exasperation. "I wish I could say the same about mine though. I never have any idea what my old man is thinking, and I'm so different from my siblings, it makes me think we'll never be a real family. He even went behind my back to break us up."

Frowning in response, Amari squeezed his hand in reassurance. "Hey, if your dad can't see how great you are and support your choices then he's not really a father. Maybe one day he'll get his head out of his ass but until then, you have me. I'll always be here for you Shoto. I'm kinda stuck now anyways since I don't have a quirk or anything like that."

He nodded his head before lifting their hands up and kissing the backside softly before replying. "Thank you. You are the closest thing to family I've ever had. What did I ever do to find someone as wonderful as you?"

Blushing back, Amari quickly ripped her hand away before nervously replying. "W-What, oh come on. I'm really not that special, and I have lots of problems attached to me and I caused you a lot of issues and I tend to be reckless and ramble a lot and it seems I'm doing that now. Am I doing that now? Oh, I guess I am. Oops Ha ha."

At her spastic nature Todoroki couldn't help but smile. It had been months since she spoke with such energy and passion. "You're finally back. I missed this side of you Amari."

His Reasons (Todoroki X OC)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα