S4 Chapter 16

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 Breathless, Deku placed his hands on his knees, a pool of sweat already building onto his brow. It had seemed like hours since they let Mirio go ahead and all the boy wanted was to make sure he was alright, yet the group hit a roadblock when a bunch of Overhauls henchmen surrounded them.

Luckily though, the heros were able to defend themselves but it had eaten up both time and energy, something they needed to make it through this challenge. Now everyone seemed equally exhausted. Deku only had three things on his mind though, Amari, Mirio and Eri. He needed to reach them.

One of the pro hero's Rock Lock surveyed the situation before looking down at his injured side and shouted out towards Sir Nighteye and the green haired student. "You three hurry and find the girl. We can't waste anymore time."

Nodding silently, Deku felt the passion in his words before turning on his heels and following Sir Nighteye down the long hallway. "I won't let you down Rock Lock!"

They two raced down the hallway, until they reached a dead end, Deku now bracing his leg before blowing a hole into the surface and hurrying inside. Although what he saw when he entered the space made his heart sink.

Mirio was standing in front of Eri, arms outstretched as his body was littered with blood and slashes. They had clearly gone through a beating which made Deku furious, balling his fists in the process.

His hand connected with Chisaki's arm before pushing the two a couple feet away, determination in his gaze. He wasn't going to let Mirio fight alone anymore. "This time, I will save them both!"

Aziawa took the opportunity of the beating and activated his quirk on Overhaul, causing his quirk to disappear just in time to yell to his teammate. "Sir Nighteye, quick, secure those that have been injured!"

Sir Nighteye heard the order but his eyes couldn't help but hallowed once he got a look at his broken student, now struggling just to stand. "Sir, take Eri, she's right behind me."

Hobbling out of the way, Sir Nighteye reached out a shaky head toward Miro before wrapping both him and Eri in his arms. He couldn't let them suffer anymore, not on his watch. "I've got you now. You were amazing, you found her Mirio."

The blonde boy's eyes welled up with tears at that before leaning into his teacher's shoulder roughly. Although he knew he couldn't rest yet, Eri was still in danger.

Overhaul watched the scene in disdain before slamming his hand onto the ground, although with no effect. Aziawa's quirk made him useless right now which infuriated the man.

Aziawa and Deku leaped into the air at that, fully focused on taking the chance they were given when Chisaki called towards his henchmen roughly. "Time to wake up Chrono!"

Then before they could react, the man Chrono threw a large arrow up into the sky before hitting Aziawa in the arm and grazing his skin. "Look out!"

Pushing Deku away, Aziawa held his arm from the blow as he felt his movements slow and cursed under his breath. This must have been because of that guy's quirk.

Because of the sudden move, the man felt his eyes water and after a couple seconds, he had no choice but to blink which gave Chisaki the chance to attack, now aiming his hand towards Deku with malice. "Everything, all you've done has been for nothing! As if I would let people like you ruin my plans!"

As his hand touched the ground, thousands of large spikes appeared from the ground as the floor broke apart, trapping Deku in between the spaces and stabbing him once in the arm and leg. So this was his power? It was incredible.

Now that everyone was distracted, Chisaki looked down and another one of his henchmen before crushing his mask in between his fingers, a cruel smile now upon his lips. "You get it, don't you? You've always wanted me to succeed, so I know you'll happily give up your life for my cause."

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