S2 Chapter 14

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Later that night, Amari, Todoroki and Endeavor traveled to Hosu to patrol. Apparently there was a string of killings around the area recently and they called the number two hero to check the area out.

Stepping onto the street, Amari felt the bustling noise of the city. After so many years that dream of being a hero was closer and closer now. It couldn't help but make her smile.

Endeavor felt a hand on his shoulder only to find Katsu staring at him. "Are you sure about this, letting Bakugo come? It could be dangerous."

But the man only sighed. "A promise is a promise, regardless of how I feel. Just make sure she doesn't die. It will look poor on our agency."

Katsu nodded his head in exasperation, watching the boss walk up to this student. "And that goes the same for you child. Don't do anything that will disgrace my family name."

Although Amari just rolled her eyes, whispering to Todoroki quietly and sarcastically. "Your father is just as charming as ever today."

Todoroki couldn't help but smirk at that, messing with the strap on his hero suit. The amount of guts she had for calling out his father was impressive. "I'd like to say that you get used to it, but I can't."

She smirked back at his jab, pushing his shoulder lightly when Endeavors voice returned. "Did you hear me Bakugo?"

To which Amari just groaned. "Yeah yeah I heard you the first time."

Endeavor couldn't help but notice her disinterest and narrowed his eyes. "You would do well to respect your superiors."

But the girl could only chuckle at him, flipping her hair behind her shoulder. "And you would do well to stop acting like a jerk all the time. I get it already. I'll play by the rules."

The other sidekicks around them widened their eyes at the disrespect, although it seemed Endeavor was used to it by now. "As long as you understand. Shoto will go with Katsu around to the north side at I'll babysit Bakugo on the south."

Amari couldn't help but feel surprised and yet slightly annoyed at that. "Why do I have to be with you?"

Although Todoroki's father only replied plainly. "Because I don't trust you."

His remark bothered her but she supposed she should have been glad for him allowing her to be here in the first place at all. She would just have to deal. "Rude."

Crossing her arms across her chest, Todoroki couldn't help but feel a sense of worry in his stomach. He knew that she told him not to baby her but he wanted to make sure she was going to be okay. Dealing with his father wasn't going to be fun.

He put her light arm to her shoulder before speaking. "Amari, are you going to alright?"

But she just nodded her head, giving him a reassuring smile in return. "Yeah, I'll manage, even though your father is a real ray of sunshine."

Todoroki didn't seem fully convinced but let the idea go, knowing that she could handle herself. She did personally train with him the last couple days. "Let me know if you need anything, and don't try to do anything reckless."

Although, the words seemed funny to her, smirking back. "I would like to promise that but have you met me?"

She meant it was a joke but Todoroki knew that she was telling the truth. If something did happen, then she would probably dive head first into danger. He had seen it before.

Seeing his frown, Amari's face fell, now bringing a hand to his face carefully. "Hey, I'll be okay. I promise, I will try not to do anything stupid."

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