S5 Chapter 12

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There were very few things that had accomplished the feat of making Bakugo Amari speechless. It had only happened a handful of times in her life, the girl usually sharing the explosive personality of her twin more times than not. Call it a negative or positive trait but she always seemed to have something to say, yet somehow this wasn't one of those times.

Because staring now at the boy she loved, Amari was in fact speechless.

Her lips suddenly ran dry as Todoroki stared back at her, equally stunned, now taking in her blood soaked clothes, her hollow expression and her lack of speech. It was as if his mind hadn't fully processed the sight before him, and it was the same for Bakugo as well.

Why, why did it have to be him?! Why did he have to see her like this?! If it was anyone else, if anyone else had walked through that door then Amari knew she would have kept it together. But him, she always seemed to fall apart when it came to him. "S-Shoto?"

Her voice sounded foreign, unlike her own as the girl's brain tried to piece together this reality, a reality that was crashing down around her all at once. "H-How, h-how you are here.."

After noticing her shake on each word, Todoroki woke up from his trance, choosing to answer that question as it was the easiest to process right now. "My old man called, he said I had to come home..that something had happened..."

The boy's voice sounded equally robotic, causing Amari's eyes to fall slowly before placing her head in her hands. She didn't want him to see her like this, so broken, so fragile. It would surely worry him. "W-Why..why are you here..why did it have to be you....why?!"

Her utter and complete distress slammed into Todoroki all at once, taking a step closer as he noticed her own shaking hands. He wanted to help her, but was unsure on what exactly was going on, trying to tread lightly. "Why do you say that?"

He watched her pause for a moment before slowly lifting her head as the boy saw her eyes glisten with tears, utterly and completely destroyed. "B-Because...because I can't lie to you...because with you I can't...I can't lie to myself anymore..."

Todoroki's eyes fell on each word, his chest twisting in pain as he looked down at the girl he loved, the girl that was now completely broken. What had happened, and why hadn't he been there? Why did he turn away from her when she needed him most? "Amari, I...."

Yet the girl seemed too far gone, speaking once again as she cried, pouring out everything that was plaguing her mind from the past couple days . "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not being able to tell you the truth, I'm sorry to have you think that I doubted our relationship. It's all my fault, I know that..I do..but I'm just...so scared.."

Taking in her words, the boy could see that she was losing herself and unraveling by the second, getting lost in her own panic attack as she continued. "I'm scared Shoto, I'm so scared...I'm scared of everything and I...don't know what to do...."

A choked sob escaped her throat as Todoroki raced forward without a second thought, now grabbing the poor shaking girl under his arms and holding onto her for dear life. He didn't know what had happened, but was terrified to see her in such a state. "Shhh it's okay, it's okay."

Yet the girl only shook her head under his warmth, locking her trembling arms around his waist and smearing the blood on his own shirt. "No, no it's not okay. Nothing is okay."

Twisting his own brow in pain, Todoroki immediately shook his head, his eyes squeezed tight as he recalled their argument. She was still trying to be so strong around him, still trying to do so much, and that broke his heart.

He then lowered his head down before humming in her ear slowly. "Yes, it is. It's okay to be scared. It's okay to not know what to do, it's okay to cry. Go ahead and let it out, I'm right here..."

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