S5 Chapter 22

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Hello! Welcome to the last semi-happy chapter before things get oof. Enjoy the ride.


Humming happily to herself, Amari opened the locker to her left before taking out her duffle bag and placing it on the bench next to her. Everything felt like a dream, one she never wanted to wake up from.

She then reached into her pocket before taking out her official hero licenses for the hundredth time today, staring at the glossy finish with a slight giggle. Amari still couldn't believe it, she was an actual real hero now, just like she always wanted as a little girl.

Thinking back to her hospital bed as a child, that same burning desire had then left her, not even once. Sure it may have gotten twisted along the way but even still, she could now rest easy. It felt nice, to not have to worry about anything for once.

Amari slowly unzipped her bag before rummaging through in order to find her phone to call her parents. They must have seen the exam on TV but she really just wanted to gush some more. What could she say, the girl was just so utterly happy that she wanted to share the news with the world.

Although as she moved her hand through the bag, the girl frowned. She swore she left her phone in here somewhere, and yet after emptying all the contents, she found nothing. Huh, maybe she left it back in the training room or didn't even bring it at all.

Yeah, that must have been it. To be completely honest, the girl was immensely frazzled and stressed about the whole exam so it wouldn't have surprised her if she did leave it back at the dorms. The girl even almost put two different shoes on this morning.

Doing one last check in her locker, Amari opened the creaky door and felt around only to find a small note taped to the bottom of the object. That wasn't there before.

Carefully unsticking the glue, the girl then tore off the paper before unfolding the contents and reading the perfectly printed words on the surface, mocking her as she did so.


This is your last chance Little Bakugo

Go back to him or you're going to regret it


Usually these suspicious notes with vague threats on them would've terrified her into a panic attack or state of terror but this time she could only narrow her eyes.

All for One had been sending these kinds of things for months, hoping that it would scare her into submission, but that's all they ever were, just words.

They were a scare tactic and Amari wasn't going to let them terrorize her anymore, now crumbling up the paper before throwing it away with slight glare.

Then she quickly threw her duffle bag over her shoulder before heading out the door to meet Katsuki and the rest of her friends.

Nothing could ruin this day for her, she wouldn't allow it.


Raising a glass high into the sky, Hawks flapped his wings proudly as he spoke to the crowds in his office. "I would like to raise a toast. To Todoroki and the Bakugo twins for passing their exam and becoming real heroes, I congratulate you!"

A loud shout overtook the space as all of their friends cheered loudly and clicked their glasses together before taking a sip of their soda happily.

It was a giant party, custody of Hawks himself, filled with all the students in the hero course along with a couple familiar faces including Aziawa, Eri and Shinso as well, who were now chatting among the crowds.

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