S3 Chapter 2

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 Katsuki raised a fist up, throwing an explosion in his sisters directions and causing her to dodge the action all at once. He couldn't exactly remember how he got there but still focused on winning, as he always did. "Come on brat, try harder!"

She grunted at his reponse before swirling around in the circle, using her gold matter to shield herself from his attacks. The girl didn't respond but Bakugo could tell she was struggling.

He watched her chest heave out a breath, clutching the area as if in pain but for some reason, he was too blinded by winning to be able to stop. It was like he couldn't stop.

Amari faltered and Bakugo showed no mercy, punching her in the stomach and throwing a very close explosion in his path. She hissed at the pain and was thrown across the room, now landing in a hard thud against the ground.

Seeing her coughing up blood, Katsuki tried to stop himself but somehow, he felt himself move towards her instead. Something about this wasn't right. It was like he couldn't control his own body, like he was driven to destroy her.

His mind screamed inside himself, silently begging his muscles not to hurt her as his hand his hand reached for his explosions. Stop it. Damn it, don't hurt her. She's hurt. That's enough. Why won't you listen to me?!

Suddenly a loud ringing rang through his ears as Bakugo watched his own sisters eyes loose color completely, her body falling to the floor like a rag doll in a crumpled lifeless fashion.

Racing towards her, Bakugo touched her, only for blood to start to pool across his arms as Katsuki let out a shaky breath of terror. That was her blood. What was even happening?! "Amari?! What's happening?! Hold on brat..."

She raised a shaky hand up to his face, terror now etched in her own eyes as she squeaked out painfully. "Katsuki..it hurts.."

Touching her hand lightly, Katsuki's head spun, gasping onto his sister, his breathing ragged as she drifted away from him. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay. Don't you dare fucking close your eyes!"

Suddenly, a voice echoed through his ears, laughing at his misfortune. "Such a selfish little boy. See what you let happen?"

Bakugo looked up, only to find the same blue haired villain from the USJ incident stepping out of the dark shadows, mocking him and smiling at his terrified face. He was standing behind his sister as a thousand pieces connected in his mind. Somehow, he hurt Amari.

A low growl escaped the boys through, knowing his bastard had hurt her and Bakugo raced forward, only for the villain to disappear, almost like in a cloud of smoke. "You bastard! I'm going to fucking kill you!"

He appeared a couple feet away and Bakugo chased after him, determination and fire in his stomach. He was certainly not going to get that bastard get away with hurting his sister, not on his watch.

Finally he was able to get a hold on the villain, wrapping his strong hands around the man's throat, anger deeply etched in his stomach as the man began to choke. "You..you killed her!"

Although the man couldn't help but smile at this, his voice smooth and sharp. "No no. You are mistaken. I didn't kill her, you did."

Suddenly, the man's voice began to change into something higher and more femine all at once as a weak hand touching his arm, pleading him to stop. It was slender, definitely not one of a male.

Bakugo blinked his eyes once only for his body to grow completely still. Then he realized that terrible truth.

It wasn't Shigaraki underneath his hands anymore, but Amari.

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