Chapter 1

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 Hello My Hero Academia people! This was just a little idea I had while watching the show, which is amazing by the way. Not sure if I'm gonna continue it so lemme know if that's something you'd like.


Katuski Bakugo was born at 1:10AM on a rainy Friday morning. When they weighed him he turned out to be irregularly strong for the newborn.

His parents cried for joy but soon realized everything was not over.

Amari Bakugo was born at 1:20AM and right away they noticed a drastic change between the two infants.

Where as Katsuki was abnormally strong, Amari appeared weak and stick thin, almost purple and blue around the sides of her face.

The doctors noticed this and sprang into action quickly, grabbing the child and attaching all sorts of tubes and wires while she remained silent.

The parents raced forward and asked what was wrong but the doctor were too busy trying to keep the newborn alive.

That was the start of Katuski and Amari Bakugo's very different lives.


After they stabilized her, Amari was forced to stay in the hospital so that doctors could monitor her health. It seemed her body was extremely unstable, and they knew exactly why. They didn't talk about it though, especially in front of Katsuki.

Katsuki himself was stronger than ever though, living his life like a normal preschooler would. He didn't pay any mind to his sister and just lived as he pleased.

He would sometimes visit her though, mostly because he was forced by his mom.

His mother pulled him inside the building, practically dragging him. "Now listen here young man! You are going to visit your sister and you are gonna like it!"

Although Bakugo had other plans. "Ugh I don't want to! It's gonna be so boring and she just sits there not doing anything. I'm supposed to go play with my friends! Let me go!"

But the woman wouldn't budge and soon enough they were face to face with Amari. She just smiled but he couldn't help but notice the tubes and machines hooked up to her. "Brother!"

Bakugo scoffed as his mom pushed him into the room. "Tch."

Pulling him even further, his mom smiled back. "Hello sweetie, how are you feeling?"

She looked down for a moment before nodding her head, pretending to flex her non existent muscles. "I'm good mommy! Soon I'll be all better!"

There was sadness in their mother's eyes then. "Of course you will. Now, mommy's gonna go downstairs and get you something delicious, okay? Katuski, watch your sister."

He grumbled at this. "Ugh. Do I have to?"

This caused her to narrow her eyes. "Katuski.."

Rolling his own eyes, Katuski scoffed again. "Fine, just hurry up."

Seeming happy with that, she left the two kids alone, hoping that this time would be good for them. They were practically twins after all.

Once the door shut, Katsuki strolled up to Amari and put his small boot on her bed, looking rather annoyed. "So what's your deal? Why are you stuck here?"

Putting a hand on her IV, Amari just sighed. "They said I can't leave."

Being a young kid, Katsuki didn't understand her statement. "So you can't even go outside or anything? What about go hunting for beetles or play superhero games?"

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