S2 Chapter 9

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 The aura around the two boys was heavy and ominous, so much so that you could almost cut it with a knife.

Katsuki stared daggers at the boy who he had just witnessed kissing his sister, the memory still sickenly stuck in his mind. He already had a rocky relationship with that icy hot bastard, but this? This was drawing a line and Bakugo knew he had to stop it.

Amari was so stupid and dumb, it was obvious that Todoroki was only using her to get a leg up in the competiton for top hero, and even if that weren't the case there was no way in hell he would let her fall for his shady antics.

Todoroki stared at him for awhile as well, a thick silence blowing through the space before he just let out a heavy sigh and turned away, already trying to leave the situation. He already knew that there was going to be no arguing with Bakugo so it was pointless to even try.

Her brother didn't seem to like this though, seeing him try to escape from what he had just done. Oh no, he wouldn't allow that.

Gritting his teeth, Bakugo ignited his quirk, throwing a small explosion in the boys path causing him to stop. Just a couple inches further and it would of singed his foot. "Hey, where the hell do you think you're going icy hot?!"

Todoroki glanced at the explosion before sighing once more, turning to her brother and trying to defuse the situation. "I have nothing to say to you."

This got Katsuki livid, now grabbing the poor boy by the collar and forcing him against the wall. His sarcasm had pushed him over the limit. "Good, cause I have a lot of things to say to you. First off, what the fuck do you think you were doing?!"

He could have easily broken out of his hold, but Todoroki knew it would have escalated the situation even further, choosing to stay put. "I think you're overreacting Bakugo."

Bakugo's eye twitched in response, recalling his sister being pinned against the wall by this bastard. "Fuck you! How dare you touch my sister! You wanna die?!"

He was making it sound like Todoroki forcibly kissed her which wasn't the case at all. The very idea was starting to make the boy angry, pushing the Bakugo's hand off of him. "I didn't do what you are suggesting.."

Although Katsuki wasn't pleased with the response, watching his quirk start to glow and pop with rage, shouting back. "You better stay the hell away from her, you bastard! If I see you near her ever again then I'm going to personally kill you myself, you got that?!"

Throwing a fist down, Todoroki caught his anger, now feeling a slight irritation as well. He knew Amari loved her brother but he also didn't know how she dealt with him sometimes. "Bakugo, I'm not going to stay away from her."

Bakugo looked down at his fist, taking in his words and seething. What had that bastard just said? He really was trying to pick a fight. "What the hell did you just say?"

Todoroki knew that her brothers words were probably from the good place but he just couldn't follow his orders. There was no way in hell Todoroki would let Amari live as lonely as she was before, regardless of what Bakugo threatened.

Narrowing his eyes, Todoroki replied. "I'm not going to stay away from her. Maybe you should consider what Amari actually wants as well."

His cocky attitude was not lost on Bakugo, instead throwing another explosion and barely missing the boy. "I don't care want she fucking wants! I'm not allowing her to be touched by a shady bastard like you!"

His last couple words caught into Todoroki's tongue. "Shady?"

Taking another dangerous step forward, Katsuki answered. "It's so obvious what you're trying to do, thinking you can get ahead in the race to be top hero. Even though my sister may be dumb and stupid, I'm not."

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