S3 Chapter 13

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Bakugo banged on his sisters door five times before waiting to receive only silence. It was almost time for class and she was taking forever getting ready. Well, it was either that or the poor girl was stalling for as long as she could. Katsuki knew better than anyone how heart broken his sister was over changing classes and all.

He grumbled to himself before slamming his fist on the surface again, shouting through the wood angrily. "Come on Amari, get your ass moving already! Why are you always so goddamn slow?"

Just then, the door opened quickly, revealing a very annoyed sister. "Would you cut it out Katsuki, I already said I was coming! Give me a damn break, would you?"

Shaking her head in frustration, Katsuki could now see the bags under her eyes and her very tired stance. She had never really snapped at him before. Usually she would just brush it off and he would call her a push over. That's how he knew she wasn't alright.

Amari closed the door behind her only to find Bakugo trying to take her school bag out of her hands. Was this going to be a normal occurrence now? She hoped not. "Don't even think about it. I already told you I can carry my own bag. Cut it out already, would you?"

She stepped away then, causing Katsuki to back off for the moment, now just staring at her in concern. He knew he was probably overdoing it but the boy couldn't help it. There was something up with her. "Listen, if any extras try to mess with you just let me know and I'll take care of them."

Looking down at the floor before a moment, the girl smirked sarcastically. "Thanks but I'm fine. I can handle myself Katsuki."

Narrowing his eyes in frustration, Bakugo said his next words without thinking. "And how are you gonna do that without a quirk, dumbass?"

The minute he said that, Katsuki knew he had misstepped, watching his sister shrink into herself a tiny bit more, her voice sad. "I'll figure it out. Just, stop trying to baby me, okay? I don't need you to fight my battles for me."

Bakugo was silent then, watching her walk away from him slowly. Why did he always have to say the wrong thing? He didn't even know how to be that caring twin brother she always wanted. Everything was so new to him.

But one thing was for sure. He would protect her, even if Amari didn't want it.


Moving to the front gates without Bakugo, Amari stopped when she noticed a bunch of reporters trying to get into the gates. It was like the All Might incident all over again.

As she passed though, the reporters perked up, shouting through the bars. "Bakugo, Amari! A word please.."

Amari stopped for a moment, clearly confused as they tried to reach their microphones through the bars. "How does it feel to aid All for One in the attack a couple weeks ago? Are you blackmailing any of the heros to let you stay at U.A.?"

Her eyes widened as the reporters fed her such hate and lies, calling her villain and shouting at the girl through the gates. On closer inspection there seemed to also be some protesters with large signs that read DON'T LET A VILLAIN INTO U.A. among other hateful words. It was honestly overwhelming.

Balling her hands into a fist, Amari spoke back to them roughly. "I'm not a villain and I haven't blackmailed anyone! Why are you even saying that? I'm a hero!"

The reporters took in her words before a male answered, his voice cruel and sharp. "What kind of hero hurts their fellow students and aids a villain?"

She felt tears prick the corners of her eyes as Amari answered back. "You're twisting everything around. I didn't aid anything!"

Although the news team was even faster, firing back. "But you do admit you hurt your fellow students?"

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