S3 Chapter 1

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Reaching her hand in her pocket, Amari looked at the caller ID before jumping from the sofa, now quickly running upstairs and shutting her bedroom door. It was a call she had been waiting for.

Her run her finger across the button before picking it up. "Hey Doc, took long enough."

Although the man on the other side could only groan. "I swear Amari, you aren't the only person in this world. Cut me some slack."

Amari could only roll her eyes though, quickly getting to the point. "Yeah yeah, I get it. Do you have the results?"

A moment of silence could be heard over the speaker before he gave a soft sigh, now with an apparent rustle on the other side. "I wouldn't have called if I didn't. I swear kid, you are more annoying by the day."

The soft sound of paper turning appeared as he spoke again. "Explain your symptoms again."

Glancing down at her nails, Amari took out her bottle of pills before shaking them. "The amount of dosage to activate my quirk has increased like crazy. It used to take one pill but now it takes up to five, and the effects only last for about fifteen minutes."

The Doctor nodded his head through the phone, scribbling down her words. "Any other changes in ability?"

Placing the bottle on the desk, Amari ran a couple fingers through her hair. "Uhh yeah. It seems like when I try to lessen my intake, my heart feels like it's going to explode out of my chest. I get fatigued really easily also. That can't be good, right?"

Another moment of silence appeared as she nervously tapped her fingers on her desk, waiting for his response. Although, the line was silent.

After a couple more seconds, Amari started to become impatient. "So, are you going to tell me what's up or not? Isn't that your job?"

His voice returned soon after that. "I don't think you're going to like what I'm about to say."

The tapping on the desk stopped as Amari leaned forward, now in slight anxiety. "What is it? Just tell me already. How do I fix this?"

Sighing heavily the Doctor read the file. "I got the results back from the tests you sent and it seems like your body is starting to reject the medicine. That's why you are experiencing fatigue."

Amari felt her grip tighten around her phone. This was what she feared. It seemed her small little hourglass was running shorter and shorter now. "I figured. How much longer do I have?"

Taking in another small silence, the Doc finally spoke. "If you keep pushing at this level, it seems that the medicine will become completely ineffective in less than four months."

Amari felt the world spinning around her all at once. She thought she had a little more than a year but it seemed the realty was even far more cruel. Four months, was that it?

She was going to die in four months.

Feeling her voice shake, she replied. "Four months? Are you kidding? Isn't there anything you can do to prolong it?"

But the Doctor only narrowed his eyes, leaning back on his chair. "Kid, you knew this was coming. Stop acting so surprised. Did you forget the agreement you signed nine years ago? This wasn't going to be forever."

Closing her eyes in devastation, Amari spoke. "Yeah I know, it's just, I'm finally closer to Katsuki and..."

Although he only cut her off. "And what? Wasn't that your goal from the very start? If you completed it then there's no other reason for you, is there?"

Suddenly her mind flashed to Todoroki's face as her eyes fell. "No.."

Nodding his head, the Doctor continued, now a slight malice in his voice, coaxing her in. "Good. Of course, you could always just stop using the pills, but then that would make you quirkless and frail again. Do you really want to give up your quirk and be hospitalized for the rest of your life? Don't you want your dear brother to love you?"

His Reasons (Todoroki X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora