S5 Chapter 6

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Walking with her duffle bag at her side, Amari closed the door to her room before making her way down the very familiar hallway in order to reach her brother's room. It had become a tradition for them to wake each other up now, mostly with Katsuki banging down her door when she didn't get up fast enough. Usually he was met with a pillow to the face though, so it was kind of a back and forth with them.

She didn't mind though, now being able to freely play around with him without fear. It was nice, and Amari really cherished those moments.

Although today was rather different because Katsuki hadn't in fact knocked on her door like usual. No, it was silent all morning, which was strange for him. Every morning she could practically hear his explosive self yelling through her walls.

So, she decided to give the boy a taste of his own medicine and wake him up this time, because apparently he was being lazy this weekend. The girl had training with Hawks in the couple hours anyways so now it was time to really mess with him for a little revenge.

Moving herself up to his room, Amari knocked on the surface before calling to her brother playfully. "Katsukiiii, now look who's being lazy today?"

She waited for his loud response or maybe possible a rustling throughout the space but instead, she was met with only silence. Huh, that's weird. Maybe, he just didn't hear her..

Amari tried again a moment later, this time banging her hand even harder as she tried to hide a small smile.. "Katsuki, you better not ignore me unless you want another pillow to your face."

Waiting even longer this time, she readied her arms in an defence attack when once again, she was only met with silence. Okay, now that wasn't normal. Usually Katsuki would've jumped at the chance to defend himself.

She twisted her eyes in confusion, she tried again, this time with something that would make him answer. "You think you'd be up after sleeping like an old man for years. Geez Kacchan, looks like I won today...."

Amari tapped her foot on the floor before waiting for her blasty twin to call her a dumbass and try to blow her up per usual, but once again she only met with silence.

Wait, no response even from his childhood nickname or the idea of losing? That wasn't like him at all.

Although that's when another voice snapped her out of her thoughts, carrying through the space. "Are you looking for Bakubro?"

Amari turned only to find Kirishima staring back at her with a small smile, his shark teeth lining from the corner of his lips. "Oh Hey Kiri. Do you know where he is?"

Putting a hand to his chin in thought, the boy replied. "Oh yeah, he left really early this morning. I saw him while taking my usual morning lap around the track."

That was even more weird. Katsuki was known to get up early, sure. But he was never one to leave without at least talking to her. Maybe before things were like that but after their big talk, the two were practically inseparable. "He didn't tell me anything about that. Do you know why?"

At that the red haired boy began to laugh nervously, averting his eyes around the space, now trying to look at anything but her. "Oh uhhh, y-yeah I don't know. He didn't really talk to me about it either. You know, in fact I should really get some more training in before lunch so.."

Then he started to turn around, only for Amari to race forward and tap his shoulder. Now there was really something strange about this.

Kiri obviously knew what Katsuki was doing, and yet he didn't want to tell her for some reason. "Wait..hold on..."

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