S4 Chapter 2

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Amari walked with her duffle bag around her waist, now seeing Todoroki's house in the distance, just as massive and intimidating as all the times before. Just looking at the top of the corner made a sharp shiver go down her spine. She didn't think she'd ever get used to this place.

Taking in a breath of courage, she started to rethink her idea. Maybe going to his house to ask him on a date was too forward, maybe she should have just called him. Although the girl couldn't help but want to see the boy after a long amount of time away from each other.

Her training with Endeavor was helpful, but ended up taking most of her available time which meant she saw Todoroki less and less. Amari decided that she wanted to fix that, opting to ask him out in person today.

After speaking with security, the large gates opened and allowed her to step inside. Being Endeavors trainee had some perks after all. Now she just had to find Todoroki.

Walking down the long garden, Amari approached a large door, only for it to be opened immediately as an older woman bowed. "Good afternoon, how may I be of assistance?"

Her formal speak made the girl falter, trying her best to match it. "Oh uh, I was wondering if I could talk to Shoto?"

The woman eyed her with disdain before turning around and entering the building smoothly. "Master Shoto has not yet returned but you are welcome to wait for him in the foyer. I'll show you the way Miss."

Nodding slowly, Amari followed the woman a couple steps behind, already feeling way more intimidated than before. Maybe this was a bad idea after all, she really didn't fit in here.

That's when they heard another voice stop the woman in her tracks, his voice curious and smooth. "Oh, we have a guest?"

Blinking in surprise, Amari immediately bowed her head, now looking at the strangers shoes. They looked to be some athletic kind. "Yes, sorry for disrupting. I was just looking for Shoto.."

That's when the stranger laughed, replying back playfully. "You said that last time as well. I'm beginning to think that running after Shoto is a hobby of yours."

Turning her brow in confusion, Amari then lifted her head only to lock eyes with a very familiar face. It was that guy that helped her during Todoroki's marriage interview. "It's you.."

Smirking back, he answered. "Yep, it's me. Todoroki Natsuo at your service."

Amari's eyes widened at the name. This man was a Todoroki? Wait but that meant.. "Did you just say Todoroki?"

Natsuo only nodded back though. "Yeah, I'm Shoto's big brother. I got called back from college because my little brother was having a marriage interview, but it seems things didn't really go as planned, did it Bakugo?"

At the mention of the marriage interview, Amari looked guilty, already muttering an apology. "I'm sorry I made you leave for nothing. I just.."

Although Todoroki's brother only shook his head, laughing slightly in return. "Are you kidding? You made that dull party something to remember. I mean I heard you were headstrong from Fuyumi but to think you raced in there without a second thought? Shoto really picked someone interesting."

Amari's face couldn't help but light up at that. "Uh yeah I guess being reckless and stubborn is a flaw of mine. It's a blessing and curse sometimes."

That's when Natsuo's face darkened for a moment, muttering back. "With this family, you'll need that."

Narrowing her brow in confusion, she then heard a loud booming voice echo through the space, Amari immediately recognizing who it was, Endeavor. Of course that made sense though, this was his house.

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