S4 Chapter 20

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 Moving towards the chair in the corner, Hawks plopped himself down before eyeing the villain right in front of him. He had been visiting him all the time after his imprisonment after all. "Hey buddy, long time no see."

From the other side of the glass, Dabi narrowed his eyes, now pointing his head towards the security cameras watching them. "Did you do it?"

Hawks already knew what he had meant though, nodding his head once. "Yep, with my feathers covering the sensors, nobody will be able to hear us. And then when we are done the technicians will only look at it as a glitch, so you have nothing to worry about."

The villain thought about his words for a moment before throwing up a lazy smile, a sure sign that he was now comfortable. "Good, we wouldn't want anyone ruining our fun now."

Crossing his arms over his chest, Hawks replied. "I agree, now let's talk business. I couldn't help but notice you've been keeping around a little birdie."

Dabi twisted his brow in confusion but the hero already knew the truth, even if he tried to deny it. "What are you talking about? The only bird I keep around is you, you overgrown chicken."

Although Hawks had already called his bluff. He had very clearly seen Bakugo Amari exit his cell, which meant that they were connected in some way or another. "Aw come on, don't be like that. I guess what I meant is, I couldn't help but notice a U.A. kid dropped by to see you."

Then the man narrowed his eyes, taking in everything from Dabi's reaction so that he could decipher something about the girls' connection. "I think her name was Bakugo Amari? Weren't you two buddy buddy a little while ago?"

Hawks' voice came out innocent but it had a sinister side to it, now seeing the villains eyes widen just slightly before shrugging his shoulders. That was interesting, it got a reaction. "If by "buddy buddy" you mean that she's the one responsible for throwing me in here, then sure. Although I gotta say, I don't appreciate being spied on Hawks."

The hero supposed that was true, knowing that Amari had been the one to catch Dabi, although that only made his job way more difficult in the end. "Whoa, hold on I wasn't spying. I just happened to hear her conversation with the security. But you know, it's not nice to hide someone from me either. So, do tell..."

Dabi remained silent for the moment and Hawks could see his wheels turning ever so slightly before scoffing back. "There is nothing to tell."

Although the hero wasn't satisfied with that, now pushing harder. "I'm sure it isn't nothing. I mean from what I've heard she's your biggest fan right now, considering you two talk so much. And on top of that, weren't you two teammates a little while ago? It seems you have a history..."

Just then, the villain's eyes casted down, his tone having a hind of something to it. Was that annoyance? "Don't worry, that girl is nothing. With the rate she's been going, she'll be dead soon enough anyways."

His words were strange and Hawks was desperate to put the pieces together. Whatever it was though, it seemed that Bakugo and Dabi didn't have a great relationship, or perhaps the girl thought there was more than there actually was.

Although one thing was for sure, he knew he couldn't let Dabi kill her. She was just a child after all, completely in over her head. "Oh, and why do you say that?"

Yet the villain's lips only curved up into a small, sly smirk. Yeah, he definitely was hiding something. "It's not your place to ask. Besides, why would I tell you that when you haven't even gained my trust yet?"

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