Chapter 7

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 Amari had just finished combing her hair when her phone quietly buzzed beside her. That was really odd. Not many people knew her number. Who could it possibly be?

Holding her head from an oncoming headache from the hangover she was having, Amari didn't recognize the number and picked it up, seeming suspicious. "Hello?"

A long silence cut through the air before a males voice answered back, uncertain and quiet. "Hi."

Well that didn't help in discovering who this person was. Turning her brow, Amari answered back. "Umm hi? Who is this?"

Another silence appeared before the voice returned. "It's me."

She visibly face palmed, knowing she wasn't going anywhere with this. "And how do I know who "me" is? You've only said three words. I'm not a mind reader."

The voice thought about this for a moment before finally understanding. Amari took a long sip of water from the cup next to her as he responded. "It's Todoroki."

At his name, Amari froze, visually coughing on the water she had just decided to drink from. How was that even possible?? He didn't have her number. "T-Todoroki!? How did you get my number?"

He paused before answering back, his voice bringing a chill to her ear. "You gave it to me?"

That didn't seem right. "What? No I didn't. When did I do that?"

Todoroki seemed just as confused though. "Uhh last night? You took my phone and forcibly put your number in. "

Amari's eyes widened, trying to remember the events of last night but it only becoming blurry. What the hell happened that she didn't know about? Why had she acted like such a fool, and in front of Todoroki of all people?!

Slamming her head into her desk, internally groaning she decided not to tell him about her memory loss yet. This was already embrassing. She'd have to ask him when they met up next time.. Yeah, that would be better. "Oh, uh sorry about that. So, what's up?"

She chuckled nervously, hoping to steer away from the conversation, his voice returning. "What are you doing today?"

Glancing at the calendar, she visually shrugged. "Not much. It's gonna be a pretty boring day. I guess I'll go grocery shopping since I have nothing better to do."

It seemed like he was nodding his head through the phone, understanding her words. "Good."

Amari seemed confused by his sentence. "Good? Me being bored all day is good?"

But he just spoke back, a smooth and straightforward tone in his voice. "5pm at the train station. See you there."

Hold on. What was he even talking about? His words made no sense.

Amari stuttered into the phone, trying to figure out what he meant. "Wait, hold on, what does that even mean?"

But before she could ask again, the line went dead, only for Amari to be utterly confused once more. Had he just invited her somewhere? That was kind of a weird way to go about it.

Amari thought for a couple moments and didn't know what she was signing up for but also knew she had to thank him for the bracelet so she decided to get ready.


Running to the train station, she spotted him over the many crowds of people. Usually she would be early but he didn't really give her much time after that phone call. She silently wondered what would be so important that he would call her out on a weekend. Truly, she was curious.

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