S3 Chapter 9

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 Approaching the entrance to the hospital, Todoroki saw Deku and Shinso waiting for him quietly. It was nightfall now which meant not as many people around so the group could investigate fully. He took one look at Shinso though and sighed.

The boy half regretted bringing him along but knew somehow it would strengthen their odds of saving Amari. Although, his feelings for her would surely make him annoyed.

Taking a map out of his bag, he called over to the boys. "Are we ready?"

Deku nodded his head, although still feeling very uneasy about the whole thing. "I think so, but are you really sure we can do this Todoroki?"

Answering back, the boy had no doubt in his mind. They would save Amari, or die trying. "We have to."

Shinso eyed their interaction with interest, crossing his arms over his chest. "Are you always this intense? Frankly I don't know how she even deals with you half of the time."

Todoroki frowned at that, watching Deku nervously laugh. "Hey guys, we promised not to fight, remember? For Amari-chan."

As much as icy hot hated it, he knew his friend was right. He'd just have to deal with this guy. Any discourse between them could chance her safety. "Sorry Midoryia. You're right. Let's get moving."

They all seemed to agree at that, turning to leave when another voice stopped them in their tracks. It was loud, filling up the space in a booming shout. "Where the hell do you think you're going, extras?"

Stopping at once, everyone turned their heads only to find Bakugo staring back at them, looking extremely unhappy. His blonde hair made Todoroki's eyes fall, remembering the girl he loved for a moment and missing her entirely.

Deku spoke first, questioning. "Kacchan, What are you doing here?"

Katsuki stopped up to the group before answering back roughly. "I'm here to get my idiot sister back you damn Deku."

Blinking in surprise, Todoroki replied. "How did you know about our plan?"

He only scoffed back though, narrowing his eyes in anger. "Do you really think you could go off and save that brat without me?! Hell no, I'm coming so I can personally show those villains who exactly they messed with. I'll make them sorry for even looking at my sister."

The group all looked between each other, as if having some kind of unsaid meeting. Bakugo was reckless but he was also strong and if Amari was here they knew she'd want him to come along, as long as he was safe. The choice seemed almost obvious.

Katsuki took in the silence for a moment before stomping his foot, not liking the atmosphere. "And don't even think about telling me I'm not coming because then you can go screw yourselves!"

Thinking for a moment, Todoroki took a step closer, thinking about what Amari would want. "Bakugo, I understand the desire but think about Amari. They were going to take you as well just to torture her. If you come, then you'll just be playing into their hands again. You and I both know the last thing she wants is for you to be hurt."

Although Amari's brother didn't enjoy that response, balling his hands into a fist. He knew that going would be a huge risk, especially seeing they were after him first, but didn't mean he was going to stop. "Who fucking cares what those bastards want! Let them try and come at me so I can show them just what a Bakugo is capable of."

Todoroki only shook his head at this, knowing Amari would disagree as well. "Bakugo, that's not the point.."

Yet Bakugo seemed to understand plenty, hissing back loudly. "You don't think I understand? Well, I fucking do. I'm sick of always being protected by that god damn brat! So this time, I'll be the one to protect her, whether she likes it or not."

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