S5 Chapter 10

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The sound of his own rustling feathers, the slight smell of burnt air and the heavy breathing of the blonde girl guarding him from danger. At this point in time, having a quirk like Hawks was more of a curse then a blessing. All of the heavy atmosphere, every little detail of the situation at hand, it was as if it was suffocating him all at once.

He heard the words of the commission president pound against him over again, like a constant metronome in his head. Hawks always had issues with her orders but the man was easily able to justify them in his mind, saying that what he was about to do was for the better of society.

But standing here before him wasn't what the hero expected at all. He had always pictured All for One's creation to be a monster, an abomination that needed to be put down for everyone else's sake.

Yet the only thing he saw now wasn't a monster, it was a scared child.

A child that he saw crying just hours before, a child that he could still feel the shaking body of so plainly recent. She seemed so lost, so utterly broken before him at the time, and yet that was the type of person, the type of monster he had to kill? It was cruel, for both parties involved.

Hawks was in turmoil because of it, just standing in utter horror and shock as no words reached his lips. He knew what he had to do, what his orders were, but the hero wasn't sure if he had the heart to actually do it, to commit the unthinkable.

Although, it seemed he didn't have to speak first though, as Dabi took in his bewildered expression, already mocking it slowly. "Wow, I don't think I've ever gotten you to shut up before Hawks. This is certainly new. You've made an impact sweetheart."

Hawks paused when Amari gritted her teeth, obviously feeling the string from the small claw wound in her side but choosing to ignore it instead. "What do you want Dabi, you want me to fight? I won't do it, I can't hurt a classmate."

Yet this only gained a small chuckle from the villain, his purple hand reaching up to touch Kazumi's lifeless eyes. "Still so self righteous. You don't have to worry about that little Bakugo, cause he's already dead."

Widening her eyes, Bakugo shook her head, not wanting to believe what she was hearing. "Are you kidding me, stop lying. He was right here. There's no way.."

Dabi only narrowed his eyes though, placing a burning hand to the boy's chest, causing no reaction and no indication of pain. "I know, I wish it wasn't like this either but it seems like you are still the only one that remains successful. I tried to tell All for One that making more would be a waste. No one is as stupid as you so it's impossible to match it."

At that, Amari's heart dropped into her chest. Wait, Kazumi was already dead? No, impossible. She had just spoken to him yesterday, just seen him break down behind the school.

Please no, this couldn't be happening. She shouldn't have spoken to him, she should've done something and now this was all her fault.

Seeing her dejected look, Dabi lowered his voice, a small bit of understanding there. "Don't you see Bakugo? The hero life is just a one way ticket to disappointment, just like I've been trying to tell you. This world isn't made for the weak."

Although Bakugo was over his self righteous talk, already feeling her blood boil even further as the Nomu traits started to seep in deeper. She tried to speak but a small growl couldn't help but escape her lips. "That's not an excuse to kill people, you asshole!"

Dabi couldn't help but hum in response though, his head leaning towards Hawks with amusement. "You know Hawks, what she just said was really funny, you wanna know why?"

The bird didn't have time to speak though as Amari cut him off, already knowing what he was talking about. "Dabi, I swear to God.."

Yet that didn't seem to phase him, only continuing with a sly smirk. "That's because it's hypocritical, considering she's killed before."

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