Chapter 4

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Todoroki arrived at the meeting spot in the center of town only to find Amari already waiting for him. She had her hair in a ponytail while wearing some basic grey sweatpants and carrying a large crimson duffle bag. He was already ten minutes early. How on earth was she here already?

She spotted him through the crowds and excitedly waved over to him like a small puppy would do when his master came home. Now that he thought about it, that was a good comparison to her. Annoying, loud and jumpy. "Todoroki! Over here! Hurry up slowpoke!"

Sighing and already regretting his decision, he strolled up to her. She obviously didn't notice the people staring around her. "How long have you been here waiting?"

She looked at her watch and verbally counted in her head before grinning. "Two hours!"

His mouth dropped at that. "Two hours? You said one of clock, right?"

Nodding her head, Amari just waved him away. "Yeah, but I couldn't help it! I'm just really excited to hang out with my new friend!"

She slapped his back playfully and Todoroki just pulled away. "What did I tell you? We can't be friends."

Amari put a finger to her lips and smiled, like she knew something he didn't. "We'll see. Come on, I booked us a room already."

Then without looking back, she turned on her heels and started walking to the destination, leaving the boy behind.

He soon realized this and ran to catch up to her. "Hey hold on, wait a minute."


Once they reached the training room, Amari threw her stuff on the ground and stretched her arms. "Alright what will it be first tomato? Ah, I mean, Todoroki."

At the name he raised an eyebrow. "Did you just call me a tomato?"

Laughing nervously, she pulled out a water bottle and waved her hand away. "What? Pfft no. That would be really weird. I think you're hearing things."

Although he wasn't buying her case. He didn't know her for long but that totally sounded like something she would've said. "Right..."

Then got down to business, pointing to the circle. "We should start with some sparring since that's what comes natural. That way I can see your techniques"

Amari nodded her head put out a hand, stopping him from starting. "Hold on a minute."

Pulling a small packet out from her pocket, Todoroki realized she was grabbing the same kind of pill as last time. Did she take one before every fight?

She quickly put it up to her lips and swallowed it, causing him to ask. "What is that?"

But Amari remained silent, that is until a familiar smirk overcame her face. "I think you should focus on other things Todoroki."

Then, without another word, she raced towards him with intent, causing the boy to be shaken. Why had she just avoided the question? No matter, he had other things to handle.

Bringing his hand out, a wave of ice launched to her only to have her block it with her gold matter shield. "Nice try tomato."

Noticing the nickname, he couldn't help but smirk while firing a sheet of ice below her. "See, you lied."

Amari just acted appalled by his comment, quickly jumping over the spot before she touched the ground. "I'm offended. I would never."

They were face to face now, as Amari launched a fist towards his face, only to have him block it easier. Height was definitely not on her side.

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