S4 Chapter 12

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 A couple hours later, the door to Amari's cage was slammed open and a dozen of Yakuza members hoisted the girl to her feet, not really caring if they were gentle or not. The time had come and Bakugo was slightly nervous for what she had willingly signed up for.

She talked big to Endeavor but inside the girl was terrified. She was miles away from any ally or hero so if everything went south, she would ultimately be screwed. There was so much pressure here, and Amari was scared to mess even one thing up.

One of the men roughly grabbed her upper arm as they pushed her out the door and in doing so she called back to Endeavor so that they would know she was on the move. "Hey, be careful jerks! You don't have to push me."

The hero seemed to get the message as he narrowed his eyes towards the microphone, an intense glare now present. He understood the importance of this plan just as well. "Focus Bakugo. This is it."

Amari nodded internally as one of the men pushed her aggressively towards the door before grabbing her again on both sides of her tied arms. "Let's go, the boss is expecting you."

She frowned as they began to walk together down the long interior hallway. The majority of the area was silver and grey, like a laboratory. Although that made sense considering what they were doing to Eri down here. Just the idea made Amari furious already.

Rounding a corner, Bakugo inspected each of the doors next to her carefully but finding nothing out of the ordinary. They all seemed to be the same metal doors as her own.

Then she looked to her left and found one of the door propped open, enough for the girl to see inside. There seemed to be a large white operating chair in the center with a variety of terrible tools lining the table next to it. The sight almost made her throw up.

What had Chisaki done to this girl? Of course she knew to an extent but looking at that, it seems far worse then what Amari had originally imagined.

Swallowing back, Amari then caught the eye of another closed metal door in the far right corner, except this time there were a multitude of guards blocking the entrance. It was like there was something important in there, or someone...

She turned around to get a closer look when the guards grabbed her arm in anger, pulling her back from the area in a single motion. They really didn't want her to go near that door. Maybe, just maybe Eri was in there. "What do you think you're doing? This way kid."

They pushed her down the opposite direction but Amari couldn't help but look back, now seeing a man enter the room in question with a small cup of pills in his hand and some food.

That confirmed it for her, Eri must have been in that room. Why else would it be heavily guarded with medicine and food? She did it, she found her. Well, possibly.

Although it was short lived as the Yakuza pushed her back again, this time with a little more frustration. So much so that they stepped on the chain binding her ankles and Amari yelped as she tumbled to the floor. "Quit fooling around. The boss is going to be angry."

She groaned as her elbow hit the hard ground only to be hoisted back up again and led into a room with two huge double doors attached to them.

Blinking at the sudden light, she found Chisaki with his arms crossed in the center of the empty space. "There you are. Are you ready to put on a show?"

He then pointed to a dozen cameras lining the edge of the space that all had flashing lights attached to them. This bastard was going to film her fight as proof? How slimy. "I thought it would be just us. I'm not really into having an audience."

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