S2 Chapter 5

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Letting her palms light up with sparks, Amari aimed her fist at Katsuki's head as he easily side stepped to the left, blocking her punch. Her brow was layered with sweat but she couldn't hardly feel it with all the heat and pressure in her stomach.

He grabbed her arm quickly put she was able to wiggle out of his grasp, burning with him gold matter as he hissed in response.

Amari smirked, thinking she had won when her brother came barreling towards her again. She readied her stance and tried to achor her body to stop the attack. The problem was, her body was too small.

Because of that, he easily tossed her aside, grabbing her by the shirt throwing her down into the training mats.

She groaned, feeling a pain in her body as Bakugo stood above her with his arms crossed. "I kept trying to tell you, you can't win by strength, so stop trying already, use your head. And your explosions are still too damn weak, put some force behind them!"

Rolling onto her back, Amari took a look at her hands before sighing. They had been at this for about a week but nothing had changed. "It's no use Katsuki. My explosion quirk just isn't strong enough."

Although he didn't seemed pleased, replying. "You are still trying to hold back and that will get you nowhere brat. Stop being so scared already."

He had a point, but she couldn't help but be scared to use that side of her. It brought out so many terrible feelings and emotions from within her. She didn't want to show him that side of her again.

Putting her hand to her face, Amari groaned. "That's easier said than done."

Bakugo raised a brow at that, obviously challenging her. "Is that quitting I hear?"

At the word, his sister frowned, already getting off the floor and staring at him with intensity. "Of course not. Let's go again."

Katsuki smirked at her compliance. Just mentioning the idea of giving up was like a trigger to her. It seemed she didn't even know what that word was. That could be why she kept pushing herself the past couple days to learn her explosions. It was admirable to say the least. Bakugo was kinda impressed.

He picked up his water bottle next to him before throwing another in her direction. She looked really exhausted. It was worrying to him. "Drink first, idiot."

Amari accepted the water and unscrewed the top, watching her brother take a huge gulp. There was something that she was curious about and it seemed now was a good time to ask. "Hey Katsuki, I've been meaning to ask this, but why did you offer to help me? I thought you wanted me to drop out of U.A."

Bakugo put the water down and thought about it for a moment, although the only thing he could think about was that terrible USJ incident. It wasn't that he didn't want her here, he just didn't want her to get hurt anymore.

Shrugging his shoulders, Bakugo replied. "Don't be delusional. I still want you out of U.A."

Amari's face fell at that, casting her eyes away from her brothers. Maybe nothing had changed between them. "Oh.."

At her tone, Katsuki sighed, trying to clean up with words by continuing. "I still don't think you can become a hero or anything like that, but if you are going to try anyways, then I'd rather not have you embarrass me in front of the entire country."

His words, as rough as they were, felt like a tiny sliver of hope to Amari. It was like he was accepting her to be at U.A., regardless of what he wanted. It was a start.

Taking a sip of her water, Amari couldn't help but smile. "I'll try not to embarrass you."

Bakugo only nodded at that, feeling a tiny bit better at the idea of training her. Then maybe he could make sure she'd be okay. "You better not! Then I would have just been wasting my damn time here."

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