S3 Chapter 10

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 Staring back at Katsuki were eyes he knew oh so well, eyes that followed him throughout his entire life, never really knowing just what she was suffering from for so long.

Time and time again Bakugo ignored her, turned away from her because he never wanted to face the mistakes he had made in the past. Although it turns out, he really didn't know anything after all.

Now that gaze he had come to love was clouded, and distant. Like she was some kind of living doll, just waiting to be played with. Bakugo couldn't help but stare in utter horror and fear at her appearance. His sister was standing before him but for some reason, it was like she was already dead.

Feeling his voice choke onto his words, he called out to her again, hoping that she would answer back normally. "Amari? What..."

He couldn't even finish the sentence. What did they do to you?

A smooth laughter broke him out of his thoughts, now hearing All for One speak as he ran a couple fingers through her hair slowly. "Wonderful, isn't she? What the girl wouldn't do for her brother. I have to thank you. If it wasn't for you, she wouldn't have been as successful."

His words created a sharp chill in the boy's spine. She agreed to be tortured and experimented on, because of him? Because he was too scared to show her he loved her? No, that couldn't be. "Shut up..shut the fuck up! You don't know anything!"

Yet All for One only smiled back, knowing his words were getting under the boys skin. "Somewhere deep down you know it's true. You had a hand in creating her, as did I."

Bakugo couldn't help but remain speechless at this, knowing very well that he was right. This was all his fault. He had pushed her away without knowing the consequences. All this time he was killing her, just like in his nightmares."I..I..."

All Might stepped in front of the boy then, knowing that he was on the verge of breaking down. "Young Bakugo, it's alright. We'll save you, I promise."

The villain narrowed his eyes then, looking down in amusement. "Sorry hero, this isn't something you can fix, and besides, she doesn't want to be saved. You saw her willingly pick up those pills. I never forced her to do anything."

Katsuki balled his fists then, shouting back in anger. "Because you never told her what she was really doing, asshole!"

Shrugging his shoulders at that, All for One replied plainly. "Perhaps, but her desperation to be strong was so easy to use. The poor little one, sick and useless. She would've done anything I said just to be a hero. It's comical, really."

Shaking his head in anxiety, Katsuki felt the heat rise up in his chest, his explosions itching to be used. It didn't matter if he was a terrible brother, or if he caused all of this. Bakugo needed to save his sister. "You have one chance to let her go before I make you!"

All for One took one look at his desperation and smirked, watching All Might holding him back carefully. "Young Bakugo, you musn't."

Although the villain seemed interested in the declaration, placing both of his hands on Amari's shoulders. "No no, let the boy struggle. It's time to test out my masterpiece anyways, and what better way to do that then with the boy she admires more than anything.."

Bakugo widened his eyes in confusion as All for One leaned in close to his sister, whispering out low and smooth. "Kill him."

Before he could even register it, Amari was racing towards him, intent in her stance as she lifted up her hands and threw a spike of gold matter towards Katsuki.

The flash of light ran past the boy, cutting his check in a single line of warning, blood now leaking from the gash. Did she just hurt him? No, this wasn't Amari. She would never physically never hurt him, even in their training. He always called her a wimp for it.

His Reasons (Todoroki X OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang