S4 Chapter 3

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All Might walked into the prison quietly, with only one goal on his mind. He didn't know why but since his last battle, the man could only think
about the future of heros itself, knowing he couldn't help the world anymore. He knew this, but that didn't mean the man couldn't find out the villains future plans. All Might needed to make sure the world was safe.

He waited for a moment before walking into a large empty room, separated by a thick sheet of glass. On the other side stood All for One, strapped down and restrained all by himself. It seems the security took extreme measures although that made sense, he was the worst of the worst after all.

Sitting in the chair next to him, All Might took in a breath before speaking. "I've come to make things clear. Where is Shigaraki Tomura?"

All for One listened to his words and couldn't help but give out a small chuckle. "I have no idea, unlike your successor, mine has left the nest. You care about the boy, don't you? Does it bother you that he has your mentor's blood?"

As much as All Might wanted to deny it, he knew he couldn't. The day he found out that Shigaraki was related to his teacher was a heartbreaking day, one he couldn't forget. "What do you plan to do, what is your ultimate goal here? You prolonged your body an unnatural amount for what, to lie and manipulate those around you? No, there has to be something..."

Although once again, the man was only amused. "Unfortunately there will always be those that never will understand each other. You wished to be a hero like I did a villain. It's as simple as that."

Letting his hands form into a ball, All Might shook his head, frustration on his brow. This man was just pure evil, there was no light in him at all. That's when he wondered something else. "What was your plan for Young Bakugo? All this time, you've been giving her all this dangerous power, why? I thought you said Shigaraki was your successor? Then why would you put so much work into her?"

All for one remained silent for a moment before smirking under his breath, pleased to talk about his creation. "You are mistaken All Might. The girl was just a project of mine, something I made to help Shigaraki in his efforts, the ultimate weapon to use against the heros. I have molded her well over the years I must say.."

Frowning back, All Might replied. "Unfortunately for you, Young Bakugo has instead chosen to become a hero, so it seems your plan has fallen through."

This made him laugh, a low and mocking tone etched in his tone. "Oh yes, I've heard about the little ones efforts through the grapevine, although it's no use. That girl can try all she wants, she can play hero for the time being but Bakugo will always be my creation in the end. Although it's fun to watch so I'll humor her for a bit before she returns to my side."

Twisting his brow in confusion, All Might didn't understand his words. It was clear that Amari's heart was always one of a hero, he'd seen it. What kind of confidence did this man have to believe such bold words? "What are you saying?"

All for One narrowed his stance then, smirking under his breath. "I'm saying that my masterpiece will only ever be what I designed her to be, an unstoppable hero destroying weapon. You may think that she has overcome her battles but that's only because there has always been a band-aid on the darkest parts of her mind. Very soon, that band-aid will be ripped off and then she'll realize how foolish she's been."

His threat seemed ominous, like there was a weight to his words. What was he even talking about, what kind of band-aid could this villain mean? "I don't understand.."

The villain nodded back evenly. "Of course you don't, but you will in time, as will she. So, I will stay here for the time being while she realizes it."

His Reasons (Todoroki X OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon