S3 Chapter 14

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 Groaning in her sleep, Amari groggily opened her eyes to the sound of her phone going off on the bedside table. What time even was it? She hardly remembered going to bed at all.

She rolled over to the side and slammed her hand on the table, picking up the object in slight irritation. Who the hell calls this early? It was obviously someone that didn't know Amari wasn't really a morning person half the time.

Flipping open the surface, she answered into the phone, a slight roughness in her voice. "Hello, who is this?"

The line was silent for a couple moments before a small chuckle was heard on the other end, and a voice that made her heart drop in her chest. "It sounds like I interrupted your beauty sleep."

Widening her eyes in confusion and fear, Amari sprang out of bed, now realizing who it was. "Purple skinned zombie man? What the hell..how did you even get my number?!"

The villain seemed to frown at that. "The name's Dabi. Would it kill you to use it once in awhile?"

Amari shook her head in response. "Whatever, leave me alone. I don't want to have a sharing circle with you again."

Dabi raised an eyebrow at that. "Well, that's not very nice. After I took the time to call you and everything.."

Yet the girl wasn't amused. "Yeah, sorry but I don't take kindly to people who tortured me. Now give me one good reason why I shouldn't go give this phone to All Might right now?"

Standing up from the bed, Amari began to do just that, putting on her shoes when Dabi replied. "Alright, it would be a shame his something happened to your dearest brother."

Amari froze at that. "Oh, so you're black mailing me, is that it?"

He couldn't help but laugh at her choice of words though. "I'm a villain sweetheart, it's kind of what I do."

She felt her skin crawl at her pet name, shivering a tiny bit. "I'd like to see you try to get to Katsuki, I'll kill you before that happens.."

Once again though, Dabi was only amused. "With what quirk? I'm pretty sure we both know you are as useless as a Pomeranian right now, so let's not start with the threats. I just called to see if you thought about the things I told you before?"

Amari felt her heart drop in her chest, knowing that he was right, With no quirk, she couldn't really do much. But it's not like she would let him know that. "Do you really think I spend all day thinking about you? Cause if so then you will be sorely disappointed. I've already forgotten every useless thing you said back then.."

This seemed to make Dabi frown, his voice dropping an octave lower to show he was serious. "I wonder about that. I bet you can't help but think about it, knowing that I'm right. I mean look at you, shunned from society, painted as a villain, rejected by your loved ones just like I was. It's like looking in a mirror."

Scoffing back, Amari replied. "Oh please, I already said I don't want to hear about your depressing childhood. We are nothing alike so don't even start with that. Also you don't know anything, Katsuki hasn't rejected me. I just haven't proved myself yet."

Her heard a loud sigh through the line then, Dabi obviously not impressed by her words. "I've heard that one before. You try again and again to win the approval of your family but time and time again you are only left with disappointment, right? What will you do when you finally figure out that it doesn't matter what you try, or how hard you push yourself, you will always be seen as a villain and rejected by them."

She really hated to admit it, but his words did hit kind of close to her, recounting all the times that Katsuki rejected her. "Shut up. You don't know anything. I am not a villain you asshole, so don't assume you know everything about me. I literally just met you creep."

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