Chapter 10

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 Amari was sitting on the bus with the rest of her classmates as they made their way to the USJ training grounds when she felt a soft prick in the back of her neck. It seemed to be getting worse as they approached the area.

Sitting next to her was Midoriya who turned to her in question at her puzzled expression. "Amari-chan, are you okay?"

She snapped out of her thoughts and laughed slightly, ignoring the stare on her back. "Oh yeah, I'm good. Sorry, I've just been feeling a little off today for some reason. It'll pass."

It wasn't completely a lie. Amari did feel rather strange ever since they stepped on this bus. She didn't know what it was but she didn't really like it.

Just then, Bakugo's voice could be heard above everyone, mocking her. "What? Are you getting cold feet now that you realize you can never be a hero?"

Amari just narrowed her eyes before shaking her head, trying to stay calm with her brother. Yelling wasn't going to solve anything. "No. Besides, I thought you told me I could do what I wanted because you didn't care anymore..."

Bakugo's face twitched at her wording, not liking that she was using his own words against him. "You wish brat. I just don't want to hear you acting like a whiny baby.."

She just sighed heavily at that, shaking her head in disgust. He was always so difficult.

Deku seemed to notice her annoyance and carefully patted her on the back. "It's okay Amari-chan. This training is going to be great!"

She smiled at her, knowing the boy was trying to cheer her up when Asui chimed in, seeming interested. "I've been meaning to ask this Midoryia but your quirk is really like All Mights.."

The boy seemed shaken by that,jumping slightly. "W-What?! You really think so?"

But Kirishima shot her down really quick. "Hold on Tsu, All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his quirk. They just seem similar."

Deku nodded his head, trying to make them believe that explanation. "That's right! But I think your quirk is really cool also Kirishima!"

Kiri couldn't help but grin at that compliment, hardening his hand as if to prove the point. "My quirk is great in defense but it's not very flashy. I would love to have something that looks cooler."

Everyone nodded and began talking about their own quirks, Kiri pointing towards the back of the bus. "If we are talking flashy, we gotta go with Todoroki, and the Bakugo's, right?. Those three are on another level."

At his words, Amari flushed. "I wouldn't say that. I just do the best I can."

Asui heard this and leaned closer, now curious. "Amari-chan, why is your quirk different from Bakugo's?"

Putting a nervous hand to her hand, Amari smiled at the question. "Oh, that's because I have my grandmothers quirk. Guess it skipped my parents and went down to me. I didn't know her very well though. She died before Katsuki and I were born."

The students seemed pleased with this answer, Asui turning to Amari's brother. "Amari-chan is so nice, on the other hand, Bakugo is always mad so it doesn't seem like he'd be popular."

Bakugo felt his frustration rise at that, ready to fight. "What the hell, you wanna fight?!"

But luckily Aizawa came between the two, calling out to them. "Alright enough messing around already. We are here."


When they stepped off the bus, they students were greeted with one of the current ranking pro heros, thirteen. She brought them inside and began to talk about the different exercises they were going to do.

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