S5 Chapter 29

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"This may sound crazy, but it's about your son, Toya."

As soon those very important words had slipped from his lips, he watched Endeavor's expression immediately darken, a thousand of unsaid emotions passing through him all at once. They were one's Hawks couldn't even begin to understand, it was the same expression that he had seen in that alleyway with Bakugo when they mentioned Toya's name not too long ago.

The power he held, Hawks could already tell it was massive for them.

He could tell that Endeavor was still processing his words, trying to understand what he meant by the sudden name of his late son.

When he did reply though it was cruel and cold. "How do you know that name?"

Feeling his feathers immediately twitch with anxiety, the hero took a breath of courage before starting off easy. "I found out through chickadee, but that's not the point. You have to listen..."

Although almost instantly, Todoroki's father shut down his words, already trying to run away from them. "I don't know what kind of nonsense you are going to say but I don't want to hear it. Bakugo shouldn't have said anything so just forget whatever you heard. I have more important things to do anyways.."

He then began to turn away before Hawks felt himself grow even more frantic, racing forward to grab his arm in order to stop his movements.

He didn't want the man to be mad at Bakugo for this, it wasn't her fault he had overheard their conversation. "Whoa whoa whoa listen man, I know you don't believe me but this is really important. Trust me, I wouldn't have brought it up if it wasn't important, would I?"

Yet Endeavor scoffed at that. "I don't know Hawks, you tell me. This is not time for one of your jokes. Bakugo and my son are in that building right now so stop wasting my time already.."

Then the man shoved his arm away from the bird before seeing him start to leave a moment later. No, it couldn't be like this. Bakugo trusted him to tell him the truth, she trusted him with this so he couldn't fail her.

So much so, that Hawks quickly shouted back towards Endeavor a moment later, his words stopping the man immediately. "Your son, he's still alive."

When Hawks finished those words regarding the topic at hand, Endeavor only stared back at him blankly, almost like he was trying to detect some sort of lie or joke about everything. It wasn't against his nature, the man knew that the number two hero loved to mess with him whenever he had the chance.

But this time, unlike the carefree and half assed conversation they had always shared, Hawks wasn't smiling, he wasn't joking.

No, instead he looked rather serious and frantic, with a sense of desperation about him. "I know it's a lot to process, but it's the truth. She would've wanted you to know.."

Blinking in surprise, Endeavor felt his jaw hang down before shaking it closed a moment later, a pained look across his face. "First her and now you. Stop it with these outrageous statements already. My son is dead, and I refuse to hear about this any longer.."

He sounded almost defeated, like he was trying to tell himself that it couldn't be true, that there was no reliability in Hawks' words. It was kind of depressing to say the least, not wanting to give into any hope or false reality. But it seemed that's where Endeavor wanted to stay.

But the bird knew better than that, already trying to reason with him. "Look, I know it's a hard topic for ya but you gotta believe me man. Bakugo told me herself and I've..I've seen him Endeavor, with my own eyes. He's real.."

Widening his eyes a fraction of a second, Endeavor shook his head before stomping up to the hero with a dark expression. "Explain, now."

His intensity wasn't something that Hawks had expected, immediately putting hands out in defense. It then occurred to him the question of how in the hell he was going to explain this to the man.

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