S5 Chapter 1

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Hello and welcome to Season Five. If you are reading in the future here is a small reminder to tell you that this arc will be mostly original content. Small parts of the manga will be used but it will not follow the canon of the real show. It will still be a crazy ride though, so I hope you will enjoy! I've been very excited to start this arc, so let's go!


A soft ringing echoed through Amari's dorm room as she rolled over sleepily, groaning as she did so. After finding the object she was searching for, the girl then slammed her hand over the microphone, silencing the beep all at once. Setting alarms was never really her thing.

Although today was different, the girl slumping out of her bed before moving towards her calendar and crossing off the previous day. Another day alive, another day of opportunity. Amari was thankful for it, knowing that someday soon everything would be cut short.

Then she glanced at her phone before picking up the object, her fingers dancing across the buttons. It was time to get to work, and she knew exactly how to start it.

After a couple soft rings, he heard the boys voice on the other side, his words slurred as if he was confused. "Amari, what's going on, is everything's okay?"

It was obvious that he hadn't expected her call, causing Amari to smile into the line, continuing like nothing was wrong. "Hey Toshi, what are you doing today?"

Yawning back, the boy answering half heartedly. "Sleeping?"

The girl only chuckled at that, possibly a little too quick as she replied. "Since when? With those bags under your eyes all the time?"

Shinso didn't seem to share her amusement though, given that it was so early. "Did you call just to insult me?"

Smirking back, Amari answered. "Possibly?"

The boy only groaned at that, shaking his head before already pulling the phone from his ear. "I can't deal with you this early. How about you try again when the sun's actually up?"

That's when Bakugo panicked, leaning forward on her chair all at once. She pushed him too far, and now he was going to ruin her plan. Amari knew she had to draw him back quickly. "Hey hey, come on. Don't be like that. I was just wondering if you wanted to train with me today?"

This caused him to pause, which Amari was thankful for. "You want me to train with you?"

Nodding back, the girl knew she had him back, leaning forward on her chair. "I mean, yeah. It's been so long since we've had a match, and plus I gotta see those new skills you've been hiding. Can't have you beating me now, can we?"

A small pause appeared then, hoping that he would take the bait she so clearly laid out for him. Yet what she got instead was uncertainty. "I don't get it, why me? Go ask your new hero course buddies to help you. We won't even be in the same class in a couple weeks."

Bakugo's face fell then, her eyes saddening at his words. She had no idea the boy was upset by her placement back into the hero course. Perhaps he thought she was mocking him because of her position? That's not what she wanted at all.

Placing a hand to her desk, Amari's eye's fell onto her open notebook before answering. "Hold on, just because we won't be in the same class doesn't mean we can't be friends."

The line was silent once again only for the boy to respond, regret now in his tone. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry short stuff. I guess I'm just a little jealous about your situation. I know you deserve it, it's just..."

Amari answered for him though. "It's okay. I completely understand, although don't sell yourself short. Besides, you never know what will happen in the future. You just gotta have faith Toshi.

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