Graduations Part 2

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Graduations Part 2/2

Amari: Age 18

Everyone in the worn down agency could feel the air practically thicken as soon as Katsuki and Kenji walked in, no one really yet to understand why the cold chill had appeared so suddenly.

As they stopped, Bakugo purposely looked away from his sister before the other brown haired boy spoke roughly. "Sato Kenji. Bakugo said I could complete my work study here."

At his words, Amari could practically see the wheels inside of Keigo's head moving at a rapid rate, trying to place where he had heard that name before. "Hmm Sato Kenji? Have we met before, something about you seems familiar..."

But just as he was trying to get out the information, he felt Amari's foot jam into his, stopping his foot immediately before turning to find her terrified expression. It seemed like she was signaling for him to shut up.

Luckily though, Kenji answered a moment later, an unsaid feeling of regret in his eyes for some reason. Even he knew that Hawks probably knew him from the news reports about his brother. "It doesn't matter. So, can I stay here or not?"

His rude demeanor was not lost on everyone, especially Shinso who still had bitter feelings towards the obnoxious boy. "Hey, how about you act a bit more grateful? Don't you want to be here?"

Yet the boy only eyed him for a moment before scoffing. "Not really, but it was either this or risk expulsion with U.A. Bakugo made a stupid deal with principal Nezu about it. He seems this will help me "find my passion" or whatever."

Kenji then recalled the conversation he had shared with Bakugo after the graduation ceremony. He really didn't want to complete his work study here but with his track record no one was going to accept him at this rate and he had to do something to not get expelled.

So long story short, the boy was stuck, whether he liked it or not.

He waited for an inevitable approval or rejection that was soon to follow although all he received was a small giggle from Amari before turning to Katsuki with a sweet smile. "Kat-su-ki.."

The area around her began to sparkle but everyone could sense something immediately sinister behind her eyes, the girl's smile just a little too abnormal to be real. "My dear brother, can I speak to you alone about something...?"

A sharp shiver ran through everyone's spine before Amari practically stomped up to Katsuki before reaching up and using her Nomu blood to grip onto his ear and take them away from the group. "Hey, the hell are you...!?!"

But Amari only giggled in response before turning to the other members of the group with that same scary smile. "We'll be right back."

Then she pushed her brother into a separate room before Katsuki broke away, stumbling back while holding his ear from Amari's inhuman strength. "What the fuck Amari?!"

That's when her smile melted away before lifting her arms out with anxiety, her true emotions finally shining through. "What the fuck is right! Please tell me you're joking, you aren't actually letting him into our agency right?"

Katsuki couldn't help but avert his eyes at her anger though. "What's so wrong about it?"

Growing immediately livid, the girl then reached forward before pointing in the direction of the oblivious boy that was outside. "Oh, I don't know, how about the fact that I killed his brother and I can't stand the look of his face, never mind his shitty ass attitude half of the time! Did you forget any of that?!"

At the mention of Kazumi, Bakugo watched his sister's stance grow pained before replying back a moment later. "Look, I know, and I haven't forgotten about any of that but..."

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